I did not want to go to work yesterday because it was such a beautiful warm day – up to 70° F. But we got a plant truck and as the only one working in the garden center, I got to put out all of the plants (only 3 racks, but lots of plants on them. I don’t even want to know how many plants I put out) all by myself. So I got to spend a good deal of the day outside as I wanted, working myself into total exhaustion. A case of “be careful what you wish for ’cuz you might get it” if I ever saw it. And just before I headed home tonight, I saw the Easter lilies just came in. I have the day off Monday and I just know that when I go back on Tuesday (I get a split “weekend” – Monday and Wednesday) the guys who work in garden center are going to moan and groan at how much work they had to do putting out Easter lilies. But they will be 2 men, much younger than I am, doing a great deal less work than I did today. Any belly-aching from them just might make me “pop my cork”. They don’t know what real work is.
So happy Monday everyone! Oh, I forgot,people generally don’t like Mondays. I love ‘em because it’s usually my day off.
I did not want to go to work yesterday because it was such a beautiful warm day – up to 70° F. But we got a plant truck and as the only one working in the garden center, I got to put out all of the plants (only 3 racks, but lots of plants on them. I don’t even want to know how many plants I put out) all by myself. So I got to spend a good deal of the day outside as I wanted, working myself into total exhaustion. A case of “be careful what you wish for ’cuz you might get it” if I ever saw it. And just before I headed home tonight, I saw the Easter lilies just came in. I have the day off Monday and I just know that when I go back on Tuesday (I get a split “weekend” – Monday and Wednesday) the guys who work in garden center are going to moan and groan at how much work they had to do putting out Easter lilies. But they will be 2 men, much younger than I am, doing a great deal less work than I did today. Any belly-aching from them just might make me “pop my cork”. They don’t know what real work is.
So happy Monday everyone! Oh, I forgot,people generally don’t like Mondays. I love ‘em because it’s usually my day off.