Well, it wasn’t good news about my car, I had bad rotors and bad calipers too. It was not a cheap repair, but at least it’s fixed and I don’t have to worry anymore about my brakes going out on me. I got my car back at 3:00 in the afternoon, so I actually could have gone to work and worked a 6 hour shift (like from 4:00-10:00), but I rather enjoyed taking the entire day off. I went straight from the mechanic’s to my garden where I picked about 4 pounds of green beans and 3 dozen ears of corn (so far, no raccoons in my corn!) and just a few tomatoes. So, aside from paying the mechanic’s bill, it was a very good day.
Well, it wasn’t good news about my car, I had bad rotors and bad calipers too. It was not a cheap repair, but at least it’s fixed and I don’t have to worry anymore about my brakes going out on me. I got my car back at 3:00 in the afternoon, so I actually could have gone to work and worked a 6 hour shift (like from 4:00-10:00), but I rather enjoyed taking the entire day off. I went straight from the mechanic’s to my garden where I picked about 4 pounds of green beans and 3 dozen ears of corn (so far, no raccoons in my corn!) and just a few tomatoes. So, aside from paying the mechanic’s bill, it was a very good day.