STEP IN A PUDDLE AND SPLASH YOUR FRIENDS DAY. Nope. Way too cold for that here. Even if we had puddles, they’d be frozen and would not actually be puddles at all. And far from wanting to splash other people, one sure result of jumping in puddles is getting yourself wet. Usually, the splasher gets wetter than the “splashees”. So, no, I won’t be trying to splash in puddles. I would not be opposed to throwing a few snowballs with that fresh snow that we got just a few hours ago, but it’s too cold for the snow to pack. And come spring, yes, I would love to splash in a few puddles.
Today is:
NATIONAL MILK DAY. That’s every day for me.
STEP IN A PUDDLE AND SPLASH YOUR FRIENDS DAY. Nope. Way too cold for that here. Even if we had puddles, they’d be frozen and would not actually be puddles at all. And far from wanting to splash other people, one sure result of jumping in puddles is getting yourself wet. Usually, the splasher gets wetter than the “splashees”. So, no, I won’t be trying to splash in puddles. I would not be opposed to throwing a few snowballs with that fresh snow that we got just a few hours ago, but it’s too cold for the snow to pack. And come spring, yes, I would love to splash in a few puddles.