Texts From Mittens by Angie Bailey for July 03, 2020

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    stairsteppublishing  over 4 years ago

    Mittens, you are a old toughy, but we love you anyway.

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    John Francini  over 4 years ago

    Once kittens grow up they don’t want to know about all the stuff they got into or up to when they were small. Both cat kittens and people kittens.

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    cat19632001  over 4 years ago

    I’m imagining The Mittens’ tiny, little face and dissolving in a puddle of “awwww.”

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    CreeperBoy101  over 4 years ago

    the kitty wants a bedtime story, just look at the time!

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      over 4 years ago

    The Mittens is not to be messed with.

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    tech60  over 4 years ago

    Hubby rescued his 3 when he found them in our barn last October. Their feral mother had been killed-we didn’t know they existed. Appeared to be about 3 weeks old at that time. One was so weak he syringe-fed him for days; the other 2 could barely lap milk. On day 4 of this mission to keep them alive, his buddy said feed them baby food. Yep. We went thru 30 jars (still not sure how a baby eats the foul-smelling stuff). They LOVED it. And yes, it was very messy but it kept them alive.

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    Nuliajuk  over 4 years ago

    The first cat that I had as an adult was a tiny kitten that my older brother found rummaging in his trash one night. He couldn’t keep her, so I did. She was feral and hid under my kitchen cupboards for almost 2 days, until I got some mild tranquilizers from the vet and crushed them into the milk I left out for her.

    The tranquilizers knocked her out almost immediately. I scooped her up and kept her in a borrowed pet carrier until she woke up, then brushed her with an old toothbrush. I guess the toothbrush was the same size and texture as Mom’s tongue, because from then on she latched onto me. Had her for 15 years.

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    prrdh  over 4 years ago

    Tough, but Fancy Feasting.

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    metagalaxy1970  over 4 years ago

    I got Vlad when he was 8 weeks old. I can do things with him that no one else can: brush teeth, touch paws, clip names, touch tummy (without loosing limbs/lips if I kiss), and carry him on my left hip like a human child.

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