On our daily walks, my cat and I go down into a three foot drainage basin, which, being in California, is dry most of the year. When she follows me out, she often stops at the point where most of her body is hidden. I have to pretend I don’t see her, perhaps even turn my back. After a few seconds, she sets with a waggle, leapsm then charges over the crest and zooms right past me. Sometimes, she stops to “count coup” on my leg with both forepaws before dashing off. It never fails to crack me up.
On our daily walks, my cat and I go down into a three foot drainage basin, which, being in California, is dry most of the year. When she follows me out, she often stops at the point where most of her body is hidden. I have to pretend I don’t see her, perhaps even turn my back. After a few seconds, she sets with a waggle, leapsm then charges over the crest and zooms right past me. Sometimes, she stops to “count coup” on my leg with both forepaws before dashing off. It never fails to crack me up.