Thanks to the Readers of "The Comic Strip that has a Finale Every Day!" This is the last strip! It's been a great run! Tomorrow: Goodbye again!
1. What did Mr. and Mrs. Hamburger name their daughter?…. Patty
2. Did you hear about the hamburger patty who told funny jokes?… He was on a roll!
3. Where were hamburgers 1st made?… Greece.
4. What do you get when you cross a hamburger with a computer?… A big mac!
5. What did the hamburger say to the pickle?… You’re dill-icious!
6. What do you call a pig thief?… A hamburglar!
7. What do polar bears eat for lunch?… Ice berg-ers!
8. Where do burgers like to dance?… At a meat ball!
9. How do you stop someone from stealing your grill?… With a burger alarm!
10. How do you make a hamburger laugh?… Pickle it!
11. How do you insult a hamburger patty?… Call it a meatball.
12. Why do hamburgers go to the gym?… To get better buns.
1. What did Mr. and Mrs. Hamburger name their daughter?…. Patty
2. Did you hear about the hamburger patty who told funny jokes?… He was on a roll!
3. Where were hamburgers 1st made?… Greece.
4. What do you get when you cross a hamburger with a computer?… A big mac!
5. What did the hamburger say to the pickle?… You’re dill-icious!
6. What do you call a pig thief?… A hamburglar!
7. What do polar bears eat for lunch?… Ice berg-ers!
8. Where do burgers like to dance?… At a meat ball!
9. How do you stop someone from stealing your grill?… With a burger alarm!
10. How do you make a hamburger laugh?… Pickle it!
11. How do you insult a hamburger patty?… Call it a meatball.
12. Why do hamburgers go to the gym?… To get better buns.