Googled Fry voice, interesting. It tends to bother people over 40, under 40 tends to not care. So not a world problem as much as an old man problem (j/k keep up the great work).
I, too, had to Google Fry Voice – had never heard it before ( and could have lived my whole life without every knowing about it).
The world can’t do without at least one cartoonist who says he is going to retire but doesn’t. I always get excited when I see there is a new The Big Picture. Love your type of humor!
That’s funny what drives me crazy is the upending inflection where every statement is a question and each sentence can be parsed into numerous upending inflections. It started as a joke with Frank Zappa’s valley girls and spread like an infection first to young people now almost everyone.
Nearly all hearing impairments are in the high frequencies. Consonants are at higher frequencies than vowels because they’re made with the tongue against the teeth, whereas vowels are vibrated in the throat. So when people speak with vocal fry, they may be trying to sound low-pitched and authoritative but what they’re doing is greatly increasing the low frequencies and obliterating the consonants for anyone with a hearing impairment. Plus it flat-out sounds ugly.
Ron Gray about 6 years ago
Googled Fry voice, interesting. It tends to bother people over 40, under 40 tends to not care. So not a world problem as much as an old man problem (j/k keep up the great work).
AmericanPurrl Premium Member about 6 years ago
Yeah, that last one. I’m good with it. Certain cartoonists with long-passed, well-loved princess cats are always welcome. :)
katina.cooper about 6 years ago
And also cartoon sites that say they are going to fix certain, shall we say, SHERPA, sites and never do it.
Indianapolis Smith about 6 years ago
Skittles have fruit flavors. Fruit is good for you ==> Skittles are good for you!
Perkycat about 6 years ago
I, too, had to Google Fry Voice – had never heard it before ( and could have lived my whole life without every knowing about it).
The world can’t do without at least one cartoonist who says he is going to retire but doesn’t. I always get excited when I see there is a new The Big Picture. Love your type of humor!
Plods with ...™ about 6 years ago
Lee Taplinger about 6 years ago
That’s funny what drives me crazy is the upending inflection where every statement is a question and each sentence can be parsed into numerous upending inflections. It started as a joke with Frank Zappa’s valley girls and spread like an infection first to young people now almost everyone.
amaryllis2 Premium Member about 6 years ago
Nearly all hearing impairments are in the high frequencies. Consonants are at higher frequencies than vowels because they’re made with the tongue against the teeth, whereas vowels are vibrated in the throat. So when people speak with vocal fry, they may be trying to sound low-pitched and authoritative but what they’re doing is greatly increasing the low frequencies and obliterating the consonants for anyone with a hearing impairment. Plus it flat-out sounds ugly.
Ricky Bennett about 6 years ago
If I say I doubly hate #5, can I keep my #1?
kennfong Premium Member about 6 years ago
I don’t give you permission to retire!