The Buckets by Greg Cravens for December 28, 2014
Our calendar is all messed up. That's okay. We start a new one soon. I'm lookin' at the new one. It says New Year's day is a Thursday. So? New year, new month, new week, dad. Well, it doesn't work like that, see, a new year is I dunno, based on the sun... And months are based on the moon. Sorta kinda but they don't match up, see... So, what's a week based on? Er... The creation in Genesis? Ok, but... Wise new year in January and not in spring or something? Oh! I know that one! Janus, the two-faced God, looked forward and backward. What? The Romans, y'know, named January after Janus, and new year is when you look forward and backward. Our calendar is all... Messed... Up. Yeah, ok.
Actually, New Years day use to be March 25 during the middle ages in many parts of Europe.