The weather channel used to be about weather but that hasn’t been true for a very long time. I switched to but then the weather channel bought and screwed that up too. Still looking for a decent replacement, nothing I’ve found has the utility (and accuracy) that the old weatherunderground had. oh well….
Unfortunately the Weather Channel was purchased by NBC. Later, NBC sold it to I believe IBM who created a subsidiary. And that’s why the Weather Channel has become so messed up.
david_42 over 8 years ago
Or maybe it’s just gas.
sml7291 Premium Member over 8 years ago
The weather channel used to be about weather but that hasn’t been true for a very long time. I switched to but then the weather channel bought and screwed that up too. Still looking for a decent replacement, nothing I’ve found has the utility (and accuracy) that the old weatherunderground had. oh well….
Jim Kerner over 8 years ago
Unfortunately the Weather Channel was purchased by NBC. Later, NBC sold it to I believe IBM who created a subsidiary. And that’s why the Weather Channel has become so messed up.