The Norm Classics by Michael Jantze for January 03, 2019

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    M2MM  about 6 years ago

    Most men do. :P

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    nboady  about 6 years ago

    And, thus ended the Time Collection. As Heart in the City would say, “stay tooned” to see when/if the unpublished Phone Collection (the final piece of Norm 2.0) starts.

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    StackableContainers  about 6 years ago

    I’ve always thought it was an odd assumption by some people that if you can sleep, you aren’t taking your problems seriously.

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    The Pro from Dover  about 6 years ago
    I have all the cares in the world. I sleep to escape them.
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    Yakety Sax  about 6 years ago

    “The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.” Robert Frost

    “If you’re going to do something tonight that you’ll be sorry for tomorrow morning, sleep late.” Henny Youngman

    “The only thing that comes to a sleeping man is dreams.” Tupac Shakur

    “The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.” W. C. Fields

    “I make it a rule never to smoke while I’m sleeping.” Mark Twain

    “Once you wake up and smell the coffee, it’s hard to go back to sleep.” Fran Drescher

    “Life is something to do when you can’t get to sleep.” Fran Lebowitz

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