I had one pass me in a “no passing” zone, b/c I was doing the speed limit. He zoomed ahead of me, the light changed & he DIDN’T make it through, and had caught the wrong end of the cycle & had to sit through ALL the changes until it got back to us!!! I was sooo tempted to wave and smile, as I came up next to him…but people like that can’t be trusted to not pull a gun on you, or not get in front of you & make you rear-end them, (or drop behind and drive into you). So I just conp!etely ignored him…against my wanting to laugh at him, to his face.
I had one pass me in a “no passing” zone, b/c I was doing the speed limit. He zoomed ahead of me, the light changed & he DIDN’T make it through, and had caught the wrong end of the cycle & had to sit through ALL the changes until it got back to us!!! I was sooo tempted to wave and smile, as I came up next to him…but people like that can’t be trusted to not pull a gun on you, or not get in front of you & make you rear-end them, (or drop behind and drive into you). So I just conp!etely ignored him…against my wanting to laugh at him, to his face.