Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for January 05, 2008
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Billy Dare Boy Adventurer with Quentin in SMUGGLERS' CAPE Ch. VDLIV: "Amok With Underwoods!" Billy: He's kidnapped Polly, and he's getting away! Billy: My only chance to intercept them before he leaves the theater! Here goes! Billy: Hey! What happened? Billy: What is going on? Billy: Oh, it's just you. The Word Guy. Word Guy: I'm not just "The Word Guy" anymore! Word Guy: Behold... The STRIKING WRITER! Striking Writer: I have stopped all action to prove my ultimate power! Striking Writer: Nothing happens without my mighty pen! My thoughts, my words, my ideas control everything! Striking Writer: I am ALL-POWERFUL! I demand fair compensation! I demand... RESPECT! Billy: Tell you what -- you wanna come to the after-comic party? Striking Writer: REALLY? Will you be there? And so Billy Dare swoops upon Polly's nefarious captor! Billy: Word Guy... What a nerd.