Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for March 05, 2010
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Dr. Harrigan & Dr. Bahar's Particle Collider Probability Shifter While trying to conduct an experiment with our particle collider, we found increasingly unlikely circumstances preventing us from competing it. Dr. Harrigan: The wire came loose...again! Dr. Bahar: Weird. We realized that the outcome of the experiment must be so abhorrent to the physical laws of nature that, even if we completed it, it would send ripples BACK IN TIME TO PREVENT ITS COMPLETION! Dr. Bahar: Let's go. Dr. Harrigan: The experiment was a success! Dr. Bahar: Let's check the results! Dr. Harrigan: The wire came loose...again! Dr. Bahar: Weird! ? BOTTOM LINE: WE CAN NOW TOTALLY MANIPULATE THE LAWS OF PROBABILITY! Dr. Harrigan: We shall now perform the particle collider experiment by pressing this button! Dr. Bahar: Unless an albino pirate juggling otters shows up! Pirate: Ahoy, matys! Dr. Bahar: THAT was unlikely! HOW CAN THIS WORK FOR YOU?! Man: I got that promotion over Davis -- he was hit by a meteor! Man: I won the trifecta! Because two of the horses spontaneously combusted! Man: I married Teri Hatcher! Teri: Yeah, exactly how DID that happen? Woman: My Spanish quiz got postponed! Due to a wildebeest stampede! Send $3,000 to: DR. HARRIGAN AND DR. BAHAR'S PARTICLE COLLIDER PROBABILITY SHIFTER, L.L.C. P.O. Box 123 Geneva, Switz. Name Address I want to happen WARNING: We cannot be held responsible unintended spontaneous combustions. Offer does not apply to the New York Mets making the playoffs.
DougDean almost 15 years ago
That’s right, folks! You won’t need that monkey’s paw any more! The probability shifter never runs out! You can keep altering the past over and over again until you’re satisfied!
BrianCrook almost 15 years ago
This cartoon took him a week?
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 15 years ago
did teresa burrit have a hand in this?– I mean, I could swear I just heard a frog applaud
Ushindi almost 15 years ago
Where’s JAD? Could someone explain this to me?
pschearer Premium Member almost 15 years ago
I’m reminded of a cartoon I saw (sorry I can’t give credit) which showed a line of people and other beings from future centuries lined up at Ford’s Theater to prevent Lincoln’s assassination, with a caption like “If Time Travel Were Real”.
pschearer Premium Member almost 15 years ago
For the uninitiated (including perhaps Ushindi), someone should point out that several of the comments here refer to the “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” books by Douglas Adams. It is possible, though by no means certain, that the comic itself was also influenced by Adams’ Improbability Drive.
(Is Teresa Whatever ill? I’ve lost track since getting tired of Frog’s weirdness and dropping it from my subscription.)
fritzoid Premium Member almost 15 years ago
If we were EVER going to have time travel, we’d already have it. We’d have had it for hundreds of years at the least, because some guy from the future would have come back and sold the secret to Cosimo de Medici or somebody…
number9dream almost 15 years ago
Michael Jackson’s son Prince is also referred to as “Blanket”.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 15 years ago
number9dream, are you sure he isn’t called “Towel”?
jpozenel almost 15 years ago
This sounds like a really sweet deal! I’m in!
chassimmons Premium Member almost 15 years ago
As pschearer writes, this doubtless owes something to Douglas Adams. But it is more directly a satire on some silly ideas concerning Cern’s Large Hadron Collider. Do a search on “cern explanation collider failure”, of just go to:,8599,1937370,00.html
NoBrandName almost 15 years ago
Well, at least the spontaneous generation of pirates should help to reduce the effects of global warming.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 15 years ago
If I send in my $3,000 dollars and say I want to marry Teri Hatcher too, will they refuse, or will they refund that other guy’s money? I suppose they could arrange it so the government improbably legalizes polyandry and we can both marry her, but I don’t know if I’d spend $3,000 for that…
Nope, I guess I’ll just have to be content with my current girlfriend, Jennifer Aniston.
Steve Bartholomew almost 15 years ago
If time travel were real, someone would have gone back in time and prevented me from becoming President. Oh, wait…
BrianCrook almost 15 years ago
And thus, humanity was saved, Barticle.