Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 19, 2010
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling God-Man TEAM UP Human-Man God-Man Powers: Omniscient, Omnipotent Human-Man Powers: Sentient; Rarely impotent THIS WEEK - "OBLIGATORY COMICS BATTLE!" Human-Man is at the bank depositing a check when - Human-Man: Oh! My backpack broke! RIP FIRST NATION Keith: Here, Human-Man! You can use one of our bags! Human-Man: Thanks, Keith! See you next week! God-Man: I don't know why you robbed that bank, old chum, but I must stop you! Human-Man: GOD-MAN! No, I didn't! BAM God-Man: Aha! It must be that you are really the evil "CHAMELEON-MAN", impersonating Human-Man! Human-Man: No, I... URG! God-Man: Or perhaps "DOC VOODOO" escaped from jail and took over your mind! Human-Man: But... OOF! Human-man: Stop! You KNOW none of that is true! God-Man: Yes, my friend! I was simply testing your skills and belief in me, as I must often do! Human-Man: That makes no sense! This FIGHT makes no sense! You know EVERYTHING and can do ANYTHING! AUGH! POW God-Man: Yes, but these good-guy fights make for ripping stories, and provide valuable lessons! Human-Man: Worst...super-hero...partner...ever!
And we appreciate it, BrandeX. But in all seriousness, the sheer smuggery is what bothers me. You must be choking on it on a daily basis.