Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for January 20, 2017
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling The Constitutional Convention 1787~ Man #1: So, i is agreed. Article I, section 9 shall prohibit EMOLUMENTS to officials from foreign states. Man #1: Yes, to prevent foreign influence, no profits or benefits of any kind from other countries. Let's move on... Man #2: Hold ! We must include in this clause an EXCEPTION! Man #3: An exception? Voice: Murmur! Man #2: Yes, let's say in the distant future a guy is elected president... Man #4: What kind of guy? Man #2: A fantastic guy. The best brain. All the best words. A real pussy-grabber. Man #4: You've got my attention. Go on... Man #2: Well, let's say he wants to continue making and renewing deals with foreign states. Man #5: Oh, he WANTS to! Man #2: So he has his adult children manage -- but not own -- his businesses. WINK, WINK Man #2: And he holds a press conference with a pile of manila folders that's THIS HIGH! Man #5: That's rather high! Man #2: Now, if his election was tainted by the illegal influence of one hostile state... Man #3: Only one. Got it. Man #2: Should we not make an EXCEPTION for him, and allow him his emoluments? Man #4: That, sir, is fake news! Man #2: I beg your pardon? Man #4: NO exception is necessary, you fool, because it is OBVIOUS that NONE of the Constitution applies to such a man! Man #3: Have this knave deported! Sad!
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 8 years ago
Today is the beginning of the end! I was hoping for another 20 years but AmeriKKKans have spoken.
Amra Leo about 8 years ago
“It’s the end of the world as we know it…”
androgenoide about 8 years ago
Congress can give the president permission to receive bribes from foreign states…I don’t think they have the authority to allow him to receive any money from U.S. states though.
WaitingMan about 8 years ago
Outside of the second and tenth amendments, Republicans have no use for the constitution. They would repeal the rest in a heartbeat.
Striped Cat about 8 years ago
You fools! Don’t you know there is serious coin to be made? Constitution be damned. Its the dawn of the second age of the robber baron!
Mostly Water Premium Member about 8 years ago
Trump will use the constitution for toilet paper.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 8 years ago
Yes you dealt with it when the first Black Man was elected twice. On and on, where you couldn’t find anything really bad, your think tanks did it for you. Now you demand we shut up? Look at your own duplicity on this before saying we must.
Dtroutma about 8 years ago
It’s going to get Interestng when all those slamming liberals recognize Donald has already set out to cut their privates for them, not just grabbing. First day, eliminate reduced interest on first time and middle class home buyers, and that’s just a start. Trump is going to be conservatives edition of “alimony” the screwing they get for the screwing they didn’t get in the past, but voted for with Trump to make it real..