The Bugs Bunny cartoon “Rabbit Hood” opens with a series of “No Poaching” signs. The last sign reads, “Not even an egg”.
For trivia fans, that was the last Bugs Bunny cartoon of 1949 and therefore the last Bugs Bunny cartoon of the 1940s. That wonderful series would continue through the 1950s and the last original cartoon before the 1970s reboots would be “False Hare” which was produced in 1963 and released in 1964. That cartoon ended with a surprise cameo by Foghorn Leghorn as “Rabbit Hood” had ended with a clip from the 1938 Errol Flynn movie “The Adventures of Robin Hood”.
The Bugs Bunny cartoon “Rabbit Hood” opens with a series of “No Poaching” signs. The last sign reads, “Not even an egg”.
For trivia fans, that was the last Bugs Bunny cartoon of 1949 and therefore the last Bugs Bunny cartoon of the 1940s. That wonderful series would continue through the 1950s and the last original cartoon before the 1970s reboots would be “False Hare” which was produced in 1963 and released in 1964. That cartoon ended with a surprise cameo by Foghorn Leghorn as “Rabbit Hood” had ended with a clip from the 1938 Errol Flynn movie “The Adventures of Robin Hood”.