Wizard of Id Classics by Parker and Hart for February 22, 2025

  1. Missing large
    Calvinist1966  about 23 hours ago

    I shouldn’t think either of them can afford this unless Spook was very rich before he was imprisoned.

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  2. Man with x ray glasses
    The Reader Premium Member about 21 hours ago

    His trial for bribery looks to be going well.

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  3. 101718piglet
    joe piglet Premium Member about 20 hours ago

    I am glad the jury selection for Ontario Superior Court is nothing like television. Received a letter the year before, confirming my address. Three months before the trial, another letter, I had to report in 3 months on a certain day. I looked at the schedule of cases for the day and there was one that was a jury trial. So for 3 months everyone was joking, ‘you will not be selected, no one is.’

    On the day of selection about 150 people were in a room. This was a smaller city, a friend of mine, from a larger city said he had to go and there were at least 500.

    There were big screen TVs everywhere and the Judge appears and starts asking questions. Anyone know someone involved in the case (defendant, lawyers, Judge) , about 10 people left and never returned, anyone not healthy enough (there was a poor Mom with a very active toddler and some very over weight people, very old people) they left and did not return. Then the case was going to be a sexual assault, 2 adults, no minors, anyone having problems with that, a bunch left, leaving about 80 people.

    Then in court the Crown, Judge and Lawyer put all the remaining juror numbers in a bingo drum and started spinning. I was number 8 on the pick. They created 3, 20 person pools, equals 60, everyone else could leave.

    Then in the court room we were verified looked over and asked if there was any other issues about being picked. I became a juror (interesting King Charles was just coronated and we had to swear oath to him and not the Queen Elisabeth, so many years of her reign), the next person after me had some religious things to do in the week, the judge considered stopping the trial for a day, for this person, but it was more than one day so he excused the person.

    The judge was not happy when he exhausted the first 20, for 12 jurors and 2 alternatives, he started on the second group of 20. Statistically, the first 20 should be the best selection from the random group.

    Anyway, a few more were picked.

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  4. Giphy downsized
    Angry Indeed Premium Member about 19 hours ago

    I remember when both me and my wife were eligible for jury selection one month. Luckily, we never called up. Now, we’re too old. Too bad! ;-p

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  5. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  about 19 hours ago

    And that’s before bribeflation hit.

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  6. Img 1612
    Zebrastripes  about 16 hours ago

    How do you plan to BRIBE them is the question! Think 50.00 is enough?

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  7. Jolie album
    brklnbern  about 15 hours ago

    The best strategy known.

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