A plant that makes heptane (low octane gasoline). Oh wait, those already exist..Then modify those plants to pool their product and tap it. Best idea would be a plant about one leaf thick/high which drew water and minerals from a human source and which gathers its product in a central place to be drawn off. .Examples in nature include maple syrup, turpentine, sugars, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, latex, tungoil, methane. .Imagine a square mile, section, of field non stop producing soy protein or continuous threads of cellulose like the finest cotton, 365 days per year, most efficient solar collector known, self-maintaining as long as we fed it nutrients. Pulling c arbon dioxide from the air, no plowing, no erosion, nochemical runoff..Get on it wiz.
hsawlrae over 11 years ago
That one is a real cut-up.
Llewellenbruce over 11 years ago
Do they come with a warning label?
watmiwori over 11 years ago
And most important of all, are they SELF-cleaning?
AKHenderson Premium Member over 11 years ago
You should see the banana.
rshive over 11 years ago
Excalibur’s long lost cousin.
cdward over 11 years ago
It’s definitely a Tiny Seppuku.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 11 years ago
His newest? The wiz may have too much time on his hands.
Digital Frog over 11 years ago
An emo pumpkin?
ginkens001 over 11 years ago
You’re right Rod.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 11 years ago
No, Buni is disturbing. See today’s strip
unca jim over 11 years ago
Another subject for the “How Do They Do That?” show on the Science Channel..
Hunter7 over 11 years ago
Will it rip out its own guts?
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
A plant that makes heptane (low octane gasoline). Oh wait, those already exist..Then modify those plants to pool their product and tap it. Best idea would be a plant about one leaf thick/high which drew water and minerals from a human source and which gathers its product in a central place to be drawn off. .Examples in nature include maple syrup, turpentine, sugars, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, latex, tungoil, methane. .Imagine a square mile, section, of field non stop producing soy protein or continuous threads of cellulose like the finest cotton, 365 days per year, most efficient solar collector known, self-maintaining as long as we fed it nutrients. Pulling c arbon dioxide from the air, no plowing, no erosion, nochemical runoff..Get on it wiz.