“At least in their country they have universal healthcare, unlike one country we know.”.
By this, you’re assuming the wizard doesn’t pay out of pocket?.The only way to really make health care affordable is to make it cheaper, not by shifting the cost to others. This requires more automation because people are so expensive..Well, there IS another way: having low skilled workers provide health care. Imagine a government program which would take long term unemployed, give them several weeks of medical training and licensing them to treat the ailing. Most complaints are for a few problems, anyway so maybe 19 out of 20 would actually get the help they needed..Using the latter in conjunction with the former, you could supply the newly employed health care providers with machinery to scan and check blood chemistry in conjunction with internet access to diagnostics programs and give the best quality service in the world.
“At least in their country they have universal healthcare, unlike one country we know.”.
By this, you’re assuming the wizard doesn’t pay out of pocket?.The only way to really make health care affordable is to make it cheaper, not by shifting the cost to others. This requires more automation because people are so expensive..Well, there IS another way: having low skilled workers provide health care. Imagine a government program which would take long term unemployed, give them several weeks of medical training and licensing them to treat the ailing. Most complaints are for a few problems, anyway so maybe 19 out of 20 would actually get the help they needed..Using the latter in conjunction with the former, you could supply the newly employed health care providers with machinery to scan and check blood chemistry in conjunction with internet access to diagnostics programs and give the best quality service in the world.