frugalnotcheap said, yesterday.I don’t think I’ve ever hear Justin Bieber sing. Am I really missing anything or should I pull up YouTube?__________________
When Justin Bieber first started to become popular among our daughters’ peers, we decided to give him a listen along with them. My husband and I kept our opinions (both verbal and non-verbal) to ourselves. When the video for “Baby Baby” was done, we asked them what they thought. Our younger one: “He sings like a girl.” Our older one: “He needs to learn HOW to sing!” Yes, we dodged the Bieber Bullet!
frugalnotcheap said, yesterday.I don’t think I’ve ever hear Justin Bieber sing. Am I really missing anything or should I pull up YouTube?__________________
When Justin Bieber first started to become popular among our daughters’ peers, we decided to give him a listen along with them. My husband and I kept our opinions (both verbal and non-verbal) to ourselves. When the video for “Baby Baby” was done, we asked them what they thought. Our younger one: “He sings like a girl.” Our older one: “He needs to learn HOW to sing!” Yes, we dodged the Bieber Bullet!