The landlady at the duplex where i lived decades ago worked as a cashier in a grocery store. She decided to buy a year’s worth of toilet paper at wholesale price which she stored in her basement. Despite the fact that it was an extremely hot and humid summer, it stayed cool and dry in her basement. When she finally got around to opening one of the boxes she found out why. The rolls had absorbed moisture from the air and were now in a soggy, semi-gelatinous state. She had to pay me half a month’s rent to haul them to the dump. Barely worth it on my part. So, dude above needs to invest in a good humidifier.
America was so much better when everyone smoked. Most people died of lung cancer at a reasonable age. Now they just sit around getting older and older while complaining about everything.
catchup 9 months ago
He has a point.
P51Strega 9 months ago
Wow, the carton in the front left was pulled from someone’s “cold dead hand”; and it looks like the hand came with it.
KalleH 9 months ago
Smart guy.
NRHAWK Premium Member 9 months ago
He’d better start vacuum sealing them right away because those expiration dates are important for smokers and it’s going to take a while.
ladykat Premium Member 9 months ago
I don’t know about that.
Frank Burns Eats Worms 9 months ago
His butts in great shape.
Walrus Gumbo Premium Member 9 months ago
Preparing for doomsday by hoarding cancer?
sperry532 9 months ago
He’s not wrong. They’ve just gone to a minimum of $15/pack in MN. I remember when I paid 25 cents a pack. Yeah, I’m that old.
mistercatworks 9 months ago
Maybe if we all go to prison.
DanMercer 9 months ago
The landlady at the duplex where i lived decades ago worked as a cashier in a grocery store. She decided to buy a year’s worth of toilet paper at wholesale price which she stored in her basement. Despite the fact that it was an extremely hot and humid summer, it stayed cool and dry in her basement. When she finally got around to opening one of the boxes she found out why. The rolls had absorbed moisture from the air and were now in a soggy, semi-gelatinous state. She had to pay me half a month’s rent to haul them to the dump. Barely worth it on my part. So, dude above needs to invest in a good humidifier.
George C. Hopkins 9 months ago
Ah, my beloved Marlboro Red! Fair lady nicotine! How I yearn for thee and thy sweet, sweet toxic kiss!
Ed The Red Premium Member 9 months ago
America was so much better when everyone smoked. Most people died of lung cancer at a reasonable age. Now they just sit around getting older and older while complaining about everything.
Aladar30 Premium Member 9 months ago
They will become the richest and powerful couple in the post-disaster world.
wildlandwaters 9 months ago
and they coulda been millionaires, but….(or: butt)