The hatred in this country is so thick it could be cut with a butter knife. And all driven by the extreme left and extreme right using the dark underbelly of instant communication, and the technology to create tremendous lies out of whole cloth.
It won’t end well, and the problem with that is that it will affect my children and grandchildren.
I’ll most likely be gone when the dust from this situation settles, so I won’t be affected.
I wonder how much of the US will be left?
Maybe it will the the reverse of the US motto? Out of one comes many? Like the demise of the USSR?
Many of these comments scare the hell out of me.
The hatred in this country is so thick it could be cut with a butter knife. And all driven by the extreme left and extreme right using the dark underbelly of instant communication, and the technology to create tremendous lies out of whole cloth.
It won’t end well, and the problem with that is that it will affect my children and grandchildren.
I’ll most likely be gone when the dust from this situation settles, so I won’t be affected.
I wonder how much of the US will be left?
Maybe it will the the reverse of the US motto? Out of one comes many? Like the demise of the USSR?