This refrigerator seems to be set up in an unusual way.
The handle on the freezer compartment is on the right which means it would open to left with hinges on the left. The main refrigerator compartment is opened to the right – so the hinges would be on the right and its handle on the left.
Most people (normally) set it up so the handles are on the same side and hinges are on the same side so that they both open in the same direction.
This refrigerator seems to be set up in an unusual way.
The handle on the freezer compartment is on the right which means it would open to left with hinges on the left. The main refrigerator compartment is opened to the right – so the hinges would be on the right and its handle on the left.
Most people (normally) set it up so the handles are on the same side and hinges are on the same side so that they both open in the same direction.