It is funny. Back in the 1980s and 90s big semiconductor companies decided that large circuits could be drafted (laid out) by computers. Both my wife and I (both of us are engineers) chuckled at the proposition. My dear wife would take one look at a computer driven layout and after a day or two reduce its size by 30%. We’re retired for years, so maybe things are better. I do know for sure Siri is getting stupider by the month. I think Microsoft bought the company Nuance which makes the Siri software for Apple! Like the U.S. Army buying Chinese ammo.
Pickled Pete 8 days ago
The ‘people replacing people’ should be careful they themselves don’t get replaced by non-peoples…
Zykoic 8 days ago
It is funny. Back in the 1980s and 90s big semiconductor companies decided that large circuits could be drafted (laid out) by computers. Both my wife and I (both of us are engineers) chuckled at the proposition. My dear wife would take one look at a computer driven layout and after a day or two reduce its size by 30%. We’re retired for years, so maybe things are better. I do know for sure Siri is getting stupider by the month. I think Microsoft bought the company Nuance which makes the Siri software for Apple! Like the U.S. Army buying Chinese ammo.
The Reader Premium Member 8 days ago
The bots in the comment section like it!
Doug K 8 days ago
Next to be replaced - - Wells and Thurgood.
Milady Meg 8 days ago
Since 0×7E3.
Smeagol 7 days ago
It’s coming.
sincavage05 7 days ago
Common sense thinking: taught daily by living and smiling. Class; taught daily by those making it through it.