Agnes by Tony Cochran for June 14, 2015

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    Katsuro Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Ugh. Can’t she just let Agnes decide for herself whether to go to church or not? Religion is a personal matter.

    And before you protest, let me point out that nobody would have defended Grandma if it had been the other way around, and Agnes had wanted to go to church but not been allowed to by her grandma. Or for that matter, imagine if Agnes had been a believing Muslim or Hindu or some other non-Christian religion, but still made to go to church by her grandma.

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    J Short  almost 10 years ago

    Let the debate begin.

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    Aaberon  almost 10 years ago

    Love that: Spiritual Herd. I’m glad my child was not like Agnes, but it would have been SO entertaining if my neighbor’s child had been like Agnes (and in reality, she wasn’t too far off).

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    i_am_the_jam  almost 10 years ago

    Maybe the priest gives her the creeps and she thinks he’s a pedophile?

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 10 years ago

    the grandmother does what she thinks is best for Agnes. Whether at home or with the priest, she needs to keep a watchful eye. Or leave her with Trout’s mother?

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    louieglutz  almost 10 years ago

    the good part of christianity is the ethos it teaches. do unto others…

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    Darque Hellmutt  almost 10 years ago

    It’s a COMIC STRIP people, not a theological essay. Get a LIFE!

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    AdultComicFan  almost 10 years ago

    We are all forced to participate in the myth of religion as children. Only as adults are we allowed to think for ourselves.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  almost 10 years ago

    For those who don’t know the scriptural reference involved in the comic:.A man had two sons. One decided to hit his father up for his inheritance while he was still alive so he could live it up.The father gave it to him and he left town, spent the money foolishly and was soon broke.He got so desperate he went to work for someone else just for the food left over from feeding the animals.While doing so, he decided his father’s servants had it better off, so he went back to his father to ask to be treated just as a hired servant.Instead, the father was so happy that he ran out to greet him, dressed him up well, killed a fatted calf for a big celebration to rejoice that his lost son had returned to him.The other son was jealous at the bad son’s good treatment and refused to join in the celebration but the father tried to explain all he had was his but he should be happy his brother was back..Agnes was comparing herself to the prodigal son who had finally returned after seeing the error of his ways.

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