I love socks. People can buy me socks any time. I walk in the park for hours every day and go through socks like you wouldn’t believe. Lots now have cool designs with flowers and such.
My problem is I have relatively small feet, and most only come in “one size fits all.” No, they don’t.
Wilde Bill about 4 years ago
pearlsbs about 4 years ago
Agnes is maturing in at least one respect.
PammWhittaker about 4 years ago
Awww… Agnes is a good kid at heart. Someday maybe one of her schemes will work, and she can give Grandma a life of luxury
Dennis Nichols about 4 years ago
Tony Cochran is cool.
well-i-never about 4 years ago
Now there’s a girl who’s been keeping her maturity under a bushel.
chris_o42 about 4 years ago
Agnes, sweet girl, that is the best gift you can give her.
Doctor Toon about 4 years ago
Some people can’t see love when its right in front of them
We should all feel sorry for such sad, empty people
raybarb44 about 4 years ago
It’s rubbing off…..
listmom about 4 years ago
This is the sweetest! Merry 2nd Day of Christmas to all!
JLChi about 4 years ago
I love socks. People can buy me socks any time. I walk in the park for hours every day and go through socks like you wouldn’t believe. Lots now have cool designs with flowers and such.
My problem is I have relatively small feet, and most only come in “one size fits all.” No, they don’t.
neatslob Premium Member about 4 years ago
In Iceland, Jólakötturinn, the giant Christmas Cat, eats children who don’t get any clothing for Christmas.