Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for January 18, 2016

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 9 years ago

    Back in 2007, my maternal grandfather made it to 96.

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    TREEINTHEWIND  almost 9 years ago

    Because ’e knew how to hoist a pint and hold a cane at the same time………………..

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    King_Shark  almost 9 years ago

    He puts it down to not having died yet.

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    Gerald Henley  almost 9 years ago

    I’m 58 and I have a couple of friends one is 90 and he gets around like a 60 year old. I’m so jealous. The other is 98 and she keeps on going. I tell her she is 98% trouble and only two more years to be 100% trouble.

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    Plods with ...™  almost 9 years ago

    nailed it

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  6. Andy
    Sandfan  almost 9 years ago

    Andy went to Bert and asked him to what did he attribute his long life. Bert said that he didn’t drink, smoke, or run around with wild women, and today he was celebrating his ninetieth birthday. Andy thought for a moment, and asked “How?”

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  7. Pirate63
    Linguist  almost 9 years ago

    Age is just a number….Mine is unlisted !

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    e.groves  almost 9 years ago

    The secret to a long life is, don’t die.

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    rshive  almost 9 years ago

    Had one distant member of the family make it to 99. But 100 is elusive.

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    Joken'  almost 9 years ago

    I’m not old, I’m just chronologically challenged!

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    Marathon Zack  almost 9 years ago

    My great-grandfather made it to 92.

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  12. Hobo
    MeGoNow Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Want a simple answer? Ask a simple mind.

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    maverick1usa  almost 9 years ago

    Hmm, Andy is ageless & Chalkie is cluless! Have a good day Cappers.

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    Number Three  almost 9 years ago

    I can think of a few.

    He’s never been married or had kids. That’s why he’s lived for so long. Less stress you see.

    Personally, I would hate to live to be 90 years old. Not in this screwed up world.


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    Number Three  almost 9 years ago

    Song of the Day – Requested by Beviek:


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    rekam Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    We have no idea how old our dad was when he passed on because they had to lie about his age and make him younger than he was to get him on the boat from Europe to Canada. This was after WWI.

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    markbart  almost 9 years ago

    My dad lived to be 1 month shy of 100.

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    charliefarmrhere  almost 9 years ago

    @Number Three—-Good one! I almost missed the view out of the center cockpit window.

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