@Number Three Today’s strip is slightly funny and a variation of a theme , our Hero Mr Andrew Capp , sober again , idea of a worthy good cause is spending it on booze :o) right ? , my avatar is of a Labrador dog , to tell you that my son Alex got a very cute girl puppy and named her Bailey , she just eats , sleeps and poops , how was your day? ours should be very busy but I think we shall reach our target again , like yesterday , have fun and thanks for caring pal.
As has been mentioned recently, British pubs are closing down fast nowadays. Therefore, keeping a pub open could be argued to be a good cause. If it is a real ale pub, it would even be supported by CAMRA (CAMpaign for Real Ale).
“The Little Vagabond” by William Blake. “Dear Mother, Dear Mother, the church is cold, But the Ale-house is healthy and pleasant and warm; Besides, I can tell when I am used well, Such usage in heaven will never do well.”
I just toss my money up in the air. Whatever god needs of it he can have, if it falls back to the ground it means he didn’t need it and is giving it back to me.
Templo S.U.D. over 5 years ago
Okay, maybe not Jack’s till, but how about at the bookies’ till?
AFFICIONADO over 5 years ago
@Number Three Today’s strip is slightly funny and a variation of a theme , our Hero Mr Andrew Capp , sober again , idea of a worthy good cause is spending it on booze :o) right ? , my avatar is of a Labrador dog , to tell you that my son Alex got a very cute girl puppy and named her Bailey , she just eats , sleeps and poops , how was your day? ours should be very busy but I think we shall reach our target again , like yesterday , have fun and thanks for caring pal.
Troglodyte over 5 years ago
Any money is good cause for Andy to get plastered!
JudyHendrickson over 5 years ago
isn’t this typical ofan alcholicflo?
Calvinist1966 over 5 years ago
As has been mentioned recently, British pubs are closing down fast nowadays. Therefore, keeping a pub open could be argued to be a good cause. If it is a real ale pub, it would even be supported by CAMRA (CAMpaign for Real Ale).
clacou over 5 years ago
Churches would be more popular if they would replace holy water with holy beer…
tcayer over 5 years ago
“The church helps the poor, right? I’M poor!”
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 5 years ago
Savoy Brown’s “Hellbound Train” comes to mind.
shamest Premium Member over 5 years ago
actually I agree with Andy here. And a wasted morning was had by all
mourdac Premium Member over 5 years ago
I’m surprised he didn’t drop in a few small coins to get his favorite horse a better chance.
cuzinron47 over 5 years ago
He wants some kind of return on his investment, but he’ll probably just piss it away.
Teto85 Premium Member over 5 years ago
At least at the pub can give him something real for his money.
jjbarefoot over 5 years ago
“The Little Vagabond” by William Blake. “Dear Mother, Dear Mother, the church is cold, But the Ale-house is healthy and pleasant and warm; Besides, I can tell when I am used well, Such usage in heaven will never do well.”
Three more verses. Look it up.
Linguist over 5 years ago
Andy goes to the Church of the Consumption. His daily donations go to the Propagation of the Pint.
Mediatech over 5 years ago
Support the health care system, raise a glass to everyone’s good health. (strictly for medicinal purposes, of course)
h.v.greenman over 5 years ago
I just toss my money up in the air. Whatever god needs of it he can have, if it falls back to the ground it means he didn’t need it and is giving it back to me.
the lost wizard over 5 years ago
Providing income to a local business is always a good cause.
VincentGoudreault over 5 years ago
Are those dollar symbols on the vicar’s sleeves?
tad1 over 5 years ago
It’s a good enough cause for Andy. On another note, it’s raining where I live, so I don’t have to water my garden today.