Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for August 17, 2021

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 3 years ago

    you’re gonna get it, lad, once Andy finds out he’s been tricked

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    AFFICIONADO  over 3 years ago

    @Number Three Today’s strip IS funny, the lad being chased by our Hero Mr Andrew Capp avoided a punch up by diverting Andy’s attention to someone stealing his life blood , his beer :o) my avatar again is my birth sign Leo roaring his head of because he’s happy like am, how was your day? our day should be busy but we should cope I hope no shopping to do or errands to run just wait for the gas cylinder truck to come over to change a cylinder we are both in a fairly good mood but staying in the house as much as possible because of the infernal heat wave so we will drink lots of chilled bottled water and ice cream to keep hydrated , keep safe and thanks for caring young Lady

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    Cornelius Noodleman  over 3 years ago

    The ruse worked and halftime’s already past.

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    seanyj  over 3 years ago

    Dont you dare touch Andy’s beers!

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    charlenelin1201  over 3 years ago

    Ha… Does running with both hands in front makes it any faster?

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    bixya  over 3 years ago

    Cunning! If I were an observer, I would follow that player closely …

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  7. Saint
    -Saint-  over 3 years ago

    From Affie @ Number Three (& those of us that tag along): " Today’s strip IS funny, the lad being chased by our Hero Mr Andrew Capp avoided a punch up by diverting Andy’s attention to someone stealing his life blood , his beer :o) my avatar again is my birth sign Leo roaring his head of because he’s happy like am, how was your day? our day should be busy but we should cope I hope no shopping to do or errands to run just wait for the gas cylinder truck to come over to change a cylinder we are both in a fairly good mood but staying in the house as much as possible because of the infernal heat wave so we will drink lots of chilled bottled water and ice cream to keep hydrated , keep safe and thanks for caring young Lady."

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    littlejohn Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Will this leave Andy foaming. Or will he become hop-ping mad. He will, I believe become very bitter. Hope that the Ref is a very stout fella, when he tries to keep the peace.

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    Michael G.  over 3 years ago

    Andy will be “perturbed” because he was cheated. Hm.

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    benfulton2 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    I feel seen.

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    DavBlc7  over 3 years ago

    And saved him from getting sent off!!!

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    corpcasselbury  over 3 years ago

    To this day, I cannot imagine why any team would want to have Andy Capp on it. Yes, I know, comics logic. But still…

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    sugordon  over 3 years ago

    I see he’s back from holiday

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  14. Pirate63
    Linguist  over 3 years ago

    Andy should know by now that resourcefulness and cunning beat ruthlessness and greed every time!

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    cuzinron47  over 3 years ago

    That deception wouldn’t have worked if his beer was properly safeguarded in the first place.

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    SofaKing Premium Member over 3 years ago

    I remember Andy playing with a cigarette in his mouth.

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  17. Capture14
    MT Wallet   over 3 years ago

    I used to read several newspapers at libraries before COVID. I have access to most of these papers, seeing them exactly as they are, through one of the libraries I go to, even from home. Another one, which is the last of those papers running this strip (on weekdays), is available exactly as it appears on As a Wikipedia editor I have free access to that site. It is, however, a month behind, which is why I have been coming to this site for this strip since COVID closed the libraries. Eldo’s classic strips would have guaranteed I’d come here anyway. I think the library had quit subscribing to this paper anyway once it opened back up.

    Regardless of the date the letter to the editor ran, here’s what it said. The newspaper needs an update to its comics pages. Of this strip the writer said, “[H]e’s a lazy violent drunk, for Pete’s sake!”

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    tad1  over 3 years ago

    He knows Andy very well. Of course, he’s dead meat once Andy realizes he’s been flim flammed.

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    russef  over 3 years ago

    I think this is the first time I realized that AC has no eyes.

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