Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for February 23, 2015

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    charliefarmrhere  about 10 years ago

    I have the same problem, only with my dogs getting under my feet when I am walking with a cup of coffee. Looks like the cat is now coffee coated.

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    nosirrom  about 10 years ago

    Cats, Dogs, Young Children, Toys….The worst is Legos and bare feet.

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    alviebird  about 10 years ago

    We used to have a dog. A really good dog. My sister brought her home, but I raised her. As a puppy, she quickly learned that one of her main responsibilities was to keep out from underfoot. How? I made it very clear that if she got in the way she would get (somewhat gently) bumped.

    Fast forward to today: My roommate’s poodle has no such ideas. (I don’t think he has many ideas of any kind in his head.) I’m walking towards the dog. The dog sees me, and I see him. Just as I start to step around him, he unfailingly darts directly into my path. It’s like he suddenly decides he has to move, and goes in the direction his attention is on.

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  4. I m waitring
    Barker62  about 10 years ago

    We do cat rescue and have scads of them around all the time. One thing they learn is to NOT stop and roll around in our way as it’s a good way to get a tail stepped on…!

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 10 years ago

    It’ll be easy to see why Luddy’s fur is sticking out and Janis rushed to the kitchen in panel four, if you click the arrow below to hear the audio from panel three:


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    FosterGrant  about 10 years ago

    Yes it has.

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    Jelfring Premium Member about 10 years ago

    There is a drop of coffee coming off Luddy’s tail.

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    jeanie5448  about 10 years ago

    my cat is into the ambush mode and gets me when I walk by with the coffee. So far no coffee spilled…….knock wood!

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    uffdaphil  about 10 years ago

    Cat is frizzy because Arlo just mopped a little puddle with him. It works better with a little fluffy black dog. Side benefit is the coffee makes the critter smell better.

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  10. Rudy
    ARLOS DAD  about 10 years ago

    Cats can be worse than a slippery rug…

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    lisfnord  about 10 years ago

    Why has nobody noticed that JANIS HAS NO LEGS!!!!

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    Lomax9er7  about 10 years ago

    “It needs to watch where I’m going!”

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    DDrazen  about 10 years ago

    You learn to develop downward peripheral vision when you have a cat or two. Sometimes I verbally remind them “Big ol’ clumsy giant coming through!”

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    T_Lexi  about 10 years ago

    We had a fun-loving brown tabby who would occasionally hang out on top of the fridge and then bop my husband on the head when he passed by. I’d hear a shout of surprise, and then a big laugh.

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  15. Catnun
    stonegarden  about 10 years ago

    @susansunshine…Knowing what i was likely to hear, I clicked the button anyway, with two cats on my lap. They verified it was a pretty good recording as they went running wondering where THAT cat was! Had a good laugh, and fortunately wasn’t drinking MY coffee at that moment.

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    Gokie5  about 10 years ago

    I’m still 3/4 in a coma from watching the Oscars last night and having one of my husband’s former coworkers over this morning so that he can teach her how to use the fancy camera she just bought. Anyhow, I got a completely different take on today’s A & J. I thought that Arlo was startled by Janis’ alien-style appearance, jerked the coffee cup, and spilled coffee all over Ludwig. The explanations above make more sense. I did note that no one mentioned that Luddy might be uncomfortable after hot coffee was poured onto him.

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    Arianne  about 10 years ago

    Tsk! Arlo, you know Ludie takes his with cream.

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    LuvThemPluggers  about 10 years ago

    Most of the coffee is on Arlo’s clothes, but Luddy will lick off the part that got on him, then run around chasing invisible mice. Cats+caffeine = trouble.

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    hippogriff  about 10 years ago

    kumaandi: And they generate even more topsoil. [Darwin considered his best work to be his study of the part played by earthworms in the production of topsoil – under ideal conditions, they make an inch per decade. With stimulants, even more?]

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  20. Cathy aack Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Been there, done that :)

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    buick322  about 10 years ago

    I totally missed this joke. I thought the last panel showed him just returning from an intestinal emergency! Glad I looked here [;-)

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