For the kids, what Wanda is looking at in the second to last panel would be the balance page of the checkbook. These are used to check how much money and in what amounts go in and out of their account… judging by the last panel, it showed they could not afford a $300 saw :P
I know these have fallen out of favor with the widespread use of debit cards and automated payments, and I know some people who have only written one or two checks their whole lives, so I figured some might have no idea what she is doing and assume she’s just being mean XD
Scorpiox about 2 years ago
yo my dad has one of those
KageKat over 1 year ago
You did ask, Wanda.
chyrbalis 9 months ago
For the kids, what Wanda is looking at in the second to last panel would be the balance page of the checkbook. These are used to check how much money and in what amounts go in and out of their account… judging by the last panel, it showed they could not afford a $300 saw :P
I know these have fallen out of favor with the widespread use of debit cards and automated payments, and I know some people who have only written one or two checks their whole lives, so I figured some might have no idea what she is doing and assume she’s just being mean XD
Sherlock5 7 months ago
Today that saw would cost over $520.