I guess it’s letter carrier now. “Mailman” is (cue trumpets.. drum roll) SEXIST. Because there are women who carry and deliver the stuff along with the men. So there, chauvinist pigs. Wait a minute, “carrier” implies they have the physical ability to do that.. some don’t.. that word is (cue louder trumpets.. timpany booms) ABLEIST. So it has to be.. person with stuff for you. .. hang on… running that through the “ist” filter … we’ll get back to you on that.
Tell him to try for postal clerk, not postal carrier. In the course of my career there, management eliminated everything that required you to use your brain.
ʲᔆ about 8 hours ago
you’ll prolly be in witness protection
iggyman about 5 hours ago
I get other’s mail quite often, maybe Hammie could do better!
Ermine Notyours about 4 hours ago
Will they still have civil servants by then, or First Class mail?
hornacek about 4 hours ago
Oh, that’s so adorable – they think that by the time Hammie’s grown up there will still be physical mail to be delivered.
Huckleberry Hiroshima about 2 hours ago
I guess it’s letter carrier now. “Mailman” is (cue trumpets.. drum roll) SEXIST. Because there are women who carry and deliver the stuff along with the men. So there, chauvinist pigs. Wait a minute, “carrier” implies they have the physical ability to do that.. some don’t.. that word is (cue louder trumpets.. timpany booms) ABLEIST. So it has to be.. person with stuff for you. .. hang on… running that through the “ist” filter … we’ll get back to you on that.
rgulyash about 2 hours ago
As long as he doesn’t use a T-shirt launcher.
Robert Nowall Premium Member about 2 hours ago
Tell him to try for postal clerk, not postal carrier. In the course of my career there, management eliminated everything that required you to use your brain.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 43 minutes ago
Today is National Carrot Cake day.,Tell the kids it’s not as healthy as it sounds
ctolson 29 minutes ago
Or did he hear about the fringe benefits from lonely old women? Cookies, brownies, ertc.
Zebrastripes 27 minutes ago
USPS has plummeted to an all time low delivering mail. Maybe Hammie needs to rethink his future.☹️