Please let there be a happy ending, please let there be a happy ending… Chowing my nails! (⇀‸↼ )
And Colm is gone… or the Troll will save both fox and Colm and become a hero for everyone. Or Claire will save him becoming a heroe for Colm.
Interesting development.
John Allison you sweet angel of irony, the “Bonk” in this comic has never failed to get a smirk and a snork from me, which if you also enjoy comedy on the internet you know is the highest of praise.
Help! Colm needs somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! Apologies to the Beatles.
Well, props for trying, Colm. You had all the right intentions. Just none of the luck.
Oh, Colm. Truly one of the best secondary characters ever and I do hope we’ll get to see more of him someday.
Better start holding. Now where’s Brad and Toni when you need them?
I predict the troll emerges with Colm AND the fox, all in bad shape but they pull through…
Little Claire to the rescue.
Colm the hero! Well, almost…
May 03, 2017
imagenesis over 3 years ago
Please let there be a happy ending, please let there be a happy ending… Chowing my nails! (⇀‸↼ )
Aladar30 Premium Member over 3 years ago
And Colm is gone… or the Troll will save both fox and Colm and become a hero for everyone. Or Claire will save him becoming a heroe for Colm.
Hamady Sack Premium Member over 3 years ago
Michael G. over 3 years ago
Interesting development.
DiopticTurtle Premium Member over 3 years ago
John Allison you sweet angel of irony, the “Bonk” in this comic has never failed to get a smirk and a snork from me, which if you also enjoy comedy on the internet you know is the highest of praise.
RonnieAThompson Premium Member over 3 years ago
Help! Colm needs somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! Apologies to the Beatles.
scyphi26 over 3 years ago
Well, props for trying, Colm. You had all the right intentions. Just none of the luck.
brigidkeely over 3 years ago
Oh, Colm. Truly one of the best secondary characters ever and I do hope we’ll get to see more of him someday.
The Pro from Dover over 3 years ago
Better start holding. Now where’s Brad and Toni when you need them?
Rfrysinger over 3 years ago
I predict the troll emerges with Colm AND the fox, all in bad shape but they pull through…
destry1970 over 3 years ago
Little Claire to the rescue.
Grayhair, The Pirate Formerly Known as Tom Powell Premium Member over 3 years ago
Colm the hero! Well, almost…