It’s quite mysterious until one realizes that those pots once held corn liquor, (yes the native peoples indulged) …and there seemed to be a bit left in the bottom of that pot.
However Paul soon found out that the neighborhood cats have been using it for….uh…anyway a quick shower with bleach should do the trick.
Superfrog about 7 years ago
I don’t know what he sees in it,
DennisinSeattle about 7 years ago
You have to inspect carefully before you buy.
oldpine52 about 7 years ago
He really gets into his interests.
DennisinSeattle about 7 years ago
I like the Los Zorritos theme.
x_Tech about 7 years ago
I think Paul is potted.
Farside99 about 7 years ago
It appears that, for once, the plywood in Paul’s pant legs has collapsed.
SusanSunshine Premium Member about 7 years ago
Paul always likes to dive head first into a new hobby or project.
gopher gofer about 7 years ago
jarring, too…
ladykat about 7 years ago
Paul has been planted like a turnip or an onion.
Linguist about 7 years ago
I see Paul’s gone off the reservation, again !
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 7 years ago
Paul is too old for those kind of shenanigans.
He’s going to hurt himself.
Tonight, when they go to bed, Shirley will remind him that he urned. all those bruises.
david_42 about 7 years ago
Is this one large enough to hide a body?
cuzinron47 about 7 years ago
It should be disconcerting. They like too much like Japanese urns.
ChessPirate about 7 years ago
Potty Paul’s pottery predilection’s pretty peeving (partly pervy pants)…
mr_sherman Premium Member about 7 years ago
He’ll quit when he find one that fits him.
chromosome Premium Member about 7 years ago
He thinks he’s a cat.
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member about 7 years ago
It’s quite mysterious until one realizes that those pots once held corn liquor, (yes the native peoples indulged) …and there seemed to be a bit left in the bottom of that pot.
However Paul soon found out that the neighborhood cats have been using it for….uh…anyway a quick shower with bleach should do the trick.
ElGato about 7 years ago
Somebody better pull him out or he’s going sufficate!
whiteheron about 7 years ago
Paul, the flasher in the pot. Not a flash in the pan.
whiteheron about 7 years ago
Well, Another sunny Sunday dawns on Ballard street, And we are elucky enough to see another day.
WoodEye about 7 years ago
Sooo…. Paul’s a pothead!