Ballard Street by Jerry Van Amerongen for February 12, 2019

  1. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  almost 6 years ago

    Okay, I can accept red wine with everything. But four pours usually finishes the bottle. And to put the residue in an ice bucket?

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  2. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  almost 6 years ago

    Sometimes cell phones are a supplement to conversation. You say, have you tried that new Chinese restaurant down on Hanford St? Response, Oh, Little Chengdu? Yeah it gets great ratings…

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    whahoppened  almost 6 years ago

    Um, food was invented before fire.

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  4. 654px red eyed tree frog   litoria chloris edit1
    Superfrog  almost 6 years ago

    The first to Google ID their food wins.

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  5. Bluedog
    Bilan  almost 6 years ago

    An hour later: Wait a second. Did we forget to eat?

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  6. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    This may be relevant in today’s society but not to me. I like to eat it while it’s hot. The phone is not within arms reach, nor are calls accepted while eating. My phone is never glued to my hand.

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  7. Step 1
    mr_sherman Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    …and warm wine.

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    LastRoseofSummer Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    At least they are not taking pics of their food to post online. My kids do that and when it’s my plate they want to photograph, I get irked!

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  9. I yam who i yam
    Kind&Kinder  almost 6 years ago

    It’s just as well; they’ve gone to Pontius Pilate’s Ptomaine Palace just down the street from Ballard Street. They’ll be better off if they don’t ingest!

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    bikamper  almost 6 years ago

    The phone is why I no longer accept meal invites from my boss.

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  11. Piggy2
    Greyhame  almost 6 years ago

    I’m always with the only one I want to talk with anyway.

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  12. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima  almost 6 years ago

    Must be at least one empty in the kitchen.

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  13. Pirate63
    Linguist  almost 6 years ago

    This is a sad commentary on not only the folks in Ballard but unfortunately, Worldwide. All too often, my First Maite and I go out to dinner and observe all the diners glued to their cell phones, barely glancing up to look at what they’re eating, let alone talk to their dinner companions.

    I have a major, unbreakable rule on my galleon The Irish Rover® and at my Casa de Los Abuelos in Ecuador … NO ELECTRICAL DEVICES AT THE DINNER TABLE !!

    The crew, the kids and grandkids, and _even) First Maite may grumble and gripe, but if they want to eat they leave the cell phones and tablets aside, while we eat.

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  14. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  almost 6 years ago

    “No dessert for me, I’ve been playing too much ‘Candy Crush’…”

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  15. Img 0980
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    I’m sitting at the table with my breakfast and my laptop in front of me.

    My oats are cooling.

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  16. Can flag
    Alberta Oil  almost 6 years ago

    My porridge (and my coffee) frequently gets cold while I go through my morning comics.. Sad.. but I have gotten to actually like cold oatmeal porridge.

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    ellisc  almost 6 years ago

    These kind of jokes are getting way too old and aren’t funny anymore. Cellphones are a detriment to human interaction and socialization.

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  18. 690904ef 1e7c 4d36 a98a f46b185ca15f
    DCBakerEsq  almost 6 years ago

    I don’t get it. Why are people constantly looking at their phones?

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  19. Img 1610
    WCraft Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    4 seniors more interested in their cell phones than their meals? In what universe is this?

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  20. Hangedmanblue  2
    hangedman  almost 6 years ago

    You can see The World card (XXI) very VERY plainly in this. With the Queen of the Coins in the upper left corner, the IX of Swords in the upper right corner, the IX of Wands in the lower right corner, and the IX of Coins in the lower left corner. Then lay Judgement (XX) flat across The World, sort of like a faux Celtic cross. Then ask: What has The World come to? Then choose four random cards for an answer. What do you get?

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    lopaka  almost 6 years ago

    De-“evolving.” They are having an intense discussion with each other.

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  22. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member almost 6 years ago

    Maybe they are texting each other.

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