Barney & Clyde by Gene Weingarten; Dan Weingarten & David Clark for October 22, 2024

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 5 months ago

    Republicans used to believe that hurricanes were signs of God’s wrath and He was punishing sinners.

    You never hear that from them these days, even though it now makes more sense.

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  2. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member 5 months ago

    Fight pollution because it’s pollution. Let the climate deal with itself.

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  3. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  5 months ago

    Here you go on the “Inspiration” bit – Money. Profit. Wealth.

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    uniquename  5 months ago

    Not sure that inspiration is going to lead to the best results, Foxy.

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    gammaguy  5 months ago


    Take a deep breath!

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    dontcare1911  5 months ago

    That is some serious Corporate speak !

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    ferddo  5 months ago

    Back in the 1990s, in response to Al Gore’s environmental activism, the bosses where I worked tried to convince us that pollution was actually good for people. Forcing companies to do things was un-American and would cost jobs and profits. Whole industries could collapse without anything possible to take their places. Foreign competitors would jump in and take away America’s manufacturing leadership. Mother Nature could easily absorb the amount of pollution being generated. Later those bosses also cried that foreign countries wouldn’t cooperate in curbing pollution, so whatever America did wouldn’t help. Bottom line: keep the status quo because we like our bank accounts and assume good times will never end.

    Since then there has been quite a bit of legislation and rules, but now we’re noticing it has not been as effective as we wished. Industries claim that is proof that environmental legislation is a waste of time and money, but those industries purposely weakened that effectiveness with their strong resistance and disinformation. America lost its lead in manufacturing by off-shoring to countries that don’t care about polluting… and wind and ocean currents carry that pollution to us anyway.

    Now politicians are ridiculously trying to divert attention and capitalize on the issue via insane conspiracy theories. People expect quick easy answers, forgetting that a mess we allowed to grow for decades is not going away overnight. Businesses and investors shortchange themselves by ignoring the profit potential of developing cleaner products and processes.

    We may never be able to undo all of the damage, but we can improve things. But change requires work and investment – two things that too many of us have become too lazy to do. Those bosses of the 1990s are not expecting many more years on this planet, and they don’t care about those they’ll leave behind, so they continue to pooh-pooh the issue. Why do we continue to listen to them?

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    suelou  5 months ago

    They just push the “we are responsible for climate change” because we use gas cars to drive to work, to earn money to pay taxes to give to other countries that don’t give off as much carbon, … while China just burns more and more coal… but back to the reason… so we won’t notice that it is “others” who have the ability to manipulate weather in wars against the enemy (did it in Nam), and in more recent times, cause “storms” to completely destroy large areas of homes, so they can get rid of all the people and buy their land, real cheap of course, too use for their own purposes… and other nefarious reasons….

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