B.C. by Mastroianni and Hart for December 14, 2017

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    Watcher  about 7 years ago

    The Bluegill got the bait and freedom. Not so lucky for fish that is desired.

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  about 7 years ago

    Small Bluegill: “And at lease I’m not as poorly drawn as you are!”

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    Jack Bell Premium Member about 7 years ago

    If it’s undesirable, you toss it on the bank, not back in the lake.

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    MickMaus  about 7 years ago

    IMHO Bluegill is far better than Pickerel (AKA; Pike, Walleye). Possibly I just never had any that was prepared properly.

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    Lee Cox  about 7 years ago

    The story of my life when I go out to a club. I feel for you, little Bluegill!

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  about 7 years ago

    Something’s fishy here.

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    joefearsnothing  about 7 years ago

    Bluegill aka Bream aka Sunfish!

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 7 years ago

    If you can find any Bluegill or Sunfish of a decent size, they are a fantastic panfish.

    Unfortunately they have been so heavily fished out in places that you can only find tiny things.

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    Bruce1253  about 7 years ago

    I have a great recipe for Carp:Salt, Pepper & Lemon JuicePlace the Carp on a Cedar plankCook at 375 for 15 min., turning once.Remove from oven, throw out the Carp, eat the plank.

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    mggreen  about 7 years ago

    Bluegill is one of the BEST tasting of fresh water fish! I was brought up eating that scrapper! In order of taste (fresh water): large mouth bass, bluegill, northern pike (pickerel, pike) and walleye. BTW, walleye is not a true pike. Look it up!

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    serial232  about 7 years ago

    Did you know that fish that are tossed back gets caught time and time again? While at college we tagged fish that were caught in a pond. After a month of catching and releasing, the only fish we caught were those that were tagged. We then carefully drained the pond and found that over half of the fish had never been caught.

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