I went and looked at some of the things written in my year books and believe me, not any of the things said came to pass. In fact I generally have to go back and look up their picture to remember who they are.
Went this route in another strip. Really? My husband wanted to marry a girl he was going with but she turned him down. Hasn’t bothered me in 33 years. It’s in the past and that’s where it should lie and be left alone. Getting hyper over something that happened decades ago is ridiculous.
Middle daughter’s then boy friend got hold of her diary from 8th grade and went into a jealous funk because she had a crush on some fellow. I asked him if he expected her to stand on one foot all of her life waiting for him to show up. And I suggested to her she might want to give some thought to marrying a man that possessive.
clayusmcret Premium Member over 10 years ago
So go with him. See how much MJ has changed. And remember – Benny stayed with you all these years, not MJ.
jeanie5448 over 10 years ago
I went and looked at some of the things written in my year books and believe me, not any of the things said came to pass. In fact I generally have to go back and look up their picture to remember who they are.
Plods with ...™ over 10 years ago
Oh, please.
cbrsarah over 10 years ago
Went this route in another strip. Really? My husband wanted to marry a girl he was going with but she turned him down. Hasn’t bothered me in 33 years. It’s in the past and that’s where it should lie and be left alone. Getting hyper over something that happened decades ago is ridiculous.
feralglance over 10 years ago
Really, Shelton? You went there? That’s such a tired, stereotypical storyline.
Olddog1 over 10 years ago
OK lady, dig out your yearbook.
ChessPirate over 10 years ago
Go through her yearbook, Ben. Bet you’ll find some good counter-attacks in there…
Dani Rice over 10 years ago
Middle daughter’s then boy friend got hold of her diary from 8th grade and went into a jealous funk because she had a crush on some fellow. I asked him if he expected her to stand on one foot all of her life waiting for him to show up. And I suggested to her she might want to give some thought to marrying a man that possessive.
DaveBNM over 10 years ago
He should have said it was Michael Jackson?