Bird and Moon by Rosemary Mosco for June 01, 2020

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    GaryCooper  over 4 years ago

    Don’t ask a question if you don’t want to know the answer.

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    AndrewSihler  over 4 years ago

    Indeed. Will Cuppy mentions somewhere the Ridley Sea Turtle, once commonly called the Bastard Turtle because it was (mistakenly) thought to be a cross between a Loggerhead and Green Turtle. Cuppy suggests that the designation is a better fit for the Snapping Turtle. One can only agree.

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  3. Sea chapel
    6turtle9  over 4 years ago

    Yup, can’t out “Oh Snap” a turtle!

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    NaturLvr  over 4 years ago

    Had to laugh at this. My first experience with a snapping turtle was as a good Samaritan trying to help one across the road near the river. Dude almost got me…lesson learned. I still like them, but show them more caution and respect now.

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    amethyst52 Premium Member over 4 years ago

    I don’t know if it’s this one, but there is a turtle who opens his mouth and there is a little appendage that looks like a wiggling worm. The poor little fish comes to see and “Chormp!”

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    daisypekin01  over 4 years ago

    Love Bird & Moon!

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  7. Giant rubber duck 01
    Kiwiwriter47  9 months ago

    One time, we were driving on a road in Sullivan County, and we saw what appeared to be a huge rock trying to cross the road and go into a lake.

    We stopped, got out, and tried to convince the enormous snapping turtle to cross the road. It wouldn’t.

    Dad got out a long branch, held it in front of the turtle, and led it across the road, while we blocked traffic. The turtle followed the branch and went into the lake.

    30 years later, my daughter and I were in White Lake in Sullivan County, and we went over to a convenience store to get drinks for our party. There we found an enormous snapping turtle trying to cross Route 17A, to go into a lake. I walked alongside the turtle, holding up my hands to block traffic, and the turtle plodded across the road and into the lake.

    I kept up the family tradition. My daughter was impressed.

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