Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for March 20, 2021

  1. Alexander the great
    Alexander the Good Enough  almost 4 years ago

    Buy love? Probably not. But as “they” say, with enough money, one can rent it for a while. Just be sure to ask for the “girlfriend experience.”

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  2. Img 3235
    dwane.scoty1  almost 4 years ago

    10 Bux? Penguin babes are a discount date?

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  3. Quill pen
    Yontrop  almost 4 years ago

    I could say something cynical here, but I won’t.

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  4. P1000380
    A# 466  almost 4 years ago

    Reminds me of an episode which happened to a good friend decades ago (when we were both young and frisky — but not THAT young). My friend was moping around the house in a brown funk one Saturday; his moodiness had persisted for a couple of days. His Dad, had put up with his son’s sullen gloom for as long as he could tolerate it. Confronting him around supper time the father produced two twenties and told him to get out of the house and go visit a brothel.

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    phoenixnyc  almost 4 years ago

    “If money can’t buy happiness, I guess I’ll have to rent it.”—Weird Al Yankovic

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  6. Rhadamanthus
    Craig Westlake  almost 4 years ago

    Ten dollars wouldn’t even get you a handshake down at the corner…

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  7. 37cdc61d 2dfd 4a3c 9796 a93e73f76317
    MCProfessor  almost 4 years ago

    Staple a $100 bill to your forehead. It’ll improve your luck in a bar.

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  8. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 4 years ago

    At least the Broken-Hearted Idiot has ten bucks to squander on seedy pursuits….

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    pepwine  almost 4 years ago

    Men, it is amazing how much more hansom you become with money. Works especially well with young men,,,with money.

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