Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for November 12, 2015
Lupin: The Man is being attacked! Elvis: Lupin, some kind of robot rattle snake is biting the Man all over his face! BUZZZZZ Elvis: VIEWERS AT HOME MAY WANT TO AVERT THEIR EYES Puck: Well! This is one reporter who refuses to stand idly by! Puck: I didn't want it to come to this, but -- BUZZZZZZ-BUZZZZ Puck: Looks like it's FISTICUFFS! BUZZZ Man: Puck? BUZZZZ BUH-! Man: Puck! BUZZZZ SWAT Man: PUCK WHAT ARE YOU DOING? SWAT SWAT Puck: RUN, MAN! SAVE YOURSELF! SWAT SWAT SWAT BUZZZZZZZZ Puck: NOT TODAY, ROBOSNAKE! Man: PUCKY! Woman: Is everything okay? I heard shouting.
Oh my, couldn’t stop laughing as I read :-) Go Pucky go!