Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for August 07, 2016

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    RH3  over 8 years ago

    I preferred the old format. Much more detail in the background.

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    Megan.naughton Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Buzzy! Poor Pucky, showing his little anxious fangs.

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    BassetLove  over 8 years ago

    Now i’m seeing Elvis is a little Phantom of the opera mask and cape, stalking the living room.Lupin i can seen accompanying everyone when they try to play a tune.And Puck looks like he’ll be needing lots of hugs when anyone goes near the ‘shelves’.

    i’m not sure what the proper term is for the first panel
 title, splash
 whatever it is though i love it :D

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    jimmjonzz Premium Member over 8 years ago

    A different pet on a piano.

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    Coyoty Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Lupin can identify with Beethoven.

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    momma-tink  over 8 years ago

    Georgia—my fingers and my cats paws are crossed for your strip to get picked up. It brings a smile to my face every morning. You are so talented and BCN is awesome.

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    MIHorn Premium Member over 8 years ago

    No complains about the format here. Mippy story: I had a pianist come to my studio to practice with me, and when he sat down at the keyboard, Mippy had to jump up and walk across on the keys in front of him before he was “allowed” to play. Cat saying “This is mine, but borrow it if you must!”

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    jimmjonzz Premium Member over 8 years ago

    On Monday, I’ll be emailing the Atlanta Journal Constitution daily paper and asking them to carry BCN.

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    morningglory73 Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I like the new set up just fine Georgia. No worries.

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    Kit Jeans  over 8 years ago

    Maybe the Washington Post needs a little nudge. If the “big guys” carry the strip, others should soon follow. Crossed fingers. Love the characters, strip or other format.

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    ladykat Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Georgia, just for the record, I like the new format very much. I do hope you are able to syndicate and that BCN will continue for many years to come!

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    Dewsolo  over 8 years ago

    I, for one, like having a new strip every day. I know no matter what the day has in store for me, there will be a smile or laugh waiting for me at Breaking Cat News. And at the end of the day, no matter how hectic it’s been, I know I can relax with the boys and read a lot of good comments. And if I need a bigger fix, I can go back and read the last few comics all at once.And if it’s been one of “those” days, I can head to the archives and read one of the sagas.

    I hope Georgia will find a way to do some of the long elaborate stories now and then. The ones she’s done already ought to be put in book form and published. And maybe make some $$$$ from royalties.

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    Clearstream  over 8 years ago

    I love BCN. I will always love it, no matter what. I hope to see it in newspapers soon. While I did prefer the old format, it will always be wonderful. I can’t wait to here if you get it in some newspapers, and I will be very sad if it ends. I love the drawings, the storylines, the characters, it is all amazing. Funny and unique, I am going to be proud to say “I read BCN before it was in the newspapers!” I am sure that everyone will love it.

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    jlmjdm60  over 8 years ago

    Georgia, put all your strips into books and you’ll be a millionaire. Even ebooks would sell and Amazon will put you on the best seller list. Your cats are the greatest (except for my six, of course) God bless

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    Jayneknox  over 8 years ago

    “The Phantom Of the Living Room.” :) I love this!I keep forgetting that Lupin is deaf. Of course the “loud shelf” doesn’t bother him!

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    Kim Metzger Premium Member over 8 years ago

    So, is this the “To-CAT-ta and Fugue in D-Minor?”

    I, too, would like to see the strip in syndication. One concern: Will the color convert satisfactorily to black-and-white in the papers that (shudder) don’t run their daily comics in color?

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    gloriasfig  over 8 years ago

    Really like the new 1st panel (i have no idea what the technical name is) with BUZZY MOUSE!! If we think newspaper then we will get newspaper!

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    dogday Premium Member over 8 years ago

    NOOOOOOO!!!! NOT THE BANK!!!!! Good heavens, Woman, you CANNOT lock up your story telling in an office!!!! Cage butterflies? Paint moonbeams gray? Forbid the zephyr from
.zephyring??? NOOOOO! I miss the old format but, given the grim, unthinkable alternative which I will not name, I say, along all your other fans, YOU GO GIRL!!!

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    dogday Premium Member over 8 years ago

    Of course, Lupin is deaf and can only feel the cool vibrations as he plays “Kitten on the Keys.” Meanwhile, Elvis’ privacy is being invaded like kibitzers to a sunbather; and poor Pucky is unnerved by this new technology in a shelf.

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    Brein43  over 8 years ago

    Old format, new format, I love it all. I second the comment above-much as I love bankers, our Georgia is even better suited to cartooning and storytelling. She has an amazing gift for both, which I have to assume is not that common-some cartoonists are terrific storytellers but the art is rough, some are great artists but the story is at times hackneyed, BCN does both perfectly. As much as I adore the strip, I completely understand the need to actually make a living from it. To date you have been giving away this wonderful content, but now have two little ones to think of, as well as the boys to consider. Whatever we can do, I am sure you have area day ground force. We are all behind you, rooting and many of us would be re entice to pitching in a bit of cash from time to time

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    Brein43  over 8 years ago

    Make that be receptive to pitching in
darn autocorrect.

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    NWdryad  over 8 years ago
    No problem, just sleep on top of the piano. Until someone pops it open so they can play on the noisy shelf.
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    catmom1360  over 8 years ago

    I love whatever format that will let me enjoy the boys (and everyone else) and their antics. BCN brings me happiness and enjoyment just anticipating the next strip and then getting to read it. Thank you Georgia and please don’t give up. I, and I’m sure all the readers will do everything that can be done so this wonderful strip will continue.

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    Tonksquawk  over 8 years ago

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you, Georgia!

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    bonita.eley  over 8 years ago

    Phantom of the living room
now them can make the “music of the night”. Cats on piano – sounds better than some of the stuff on the radio!!

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    SunflowerGirl100  over 8 years ago

    Isn’t there an old piece of music titled “Kitten on the Keys?”

    One way to be supportive of Georgia is clicking on her comic here on Gocomics. Apparently, those clicks are counted and are what make Gocomics keep her comic. Apparently, she gets paid here though not on her website.

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    rgcviper  over 8 years ago

    The detail and layout of the previous format were great, and distinct in the world of comics. However, if the new look is what it takes to keep “B.C.N.” coming, by all means, bring it on. Best of luck, Georgia, and keep us posted.

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    Xalder  over 8 years ago

    Hehe I love Lupin being nonchalant about the fact he’s deaf. “I don’t SEE the big deal!” You goof!

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    knight1192a  almost 7 years ago

    Elvis in the 6th panel is reminding me of the Dianna’s Piano segment from the old Garfield’s 9 Lives special. Still can’t watch that segment without tearing up.

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