OK. We see pasta, pineapple, tomatoes, crackers. There are lots of Hawaiian inspired pasta dishes that use the first three ingredients, usually with ham… which the boys would love. And we’ve already seen that Puck, at least, loves pineapple while pretending to think it’s disgusting. I’m imagining the Hawaiian style pasta recipes in a baking dish, topped with a little cheese and the cracker crumbs… as BCN Casserole Supreme. And, yes, I’m one of those what-can-I-make-with-the-random-items-at-hand cooks. I love putting ponzu in almost anything. Ditto vegemite. Maybe I’ll experiment with this set of ingredients. But I’d have to make a trip to the grocery store. No crackers on hand.
WoodEye over 7 years ago
Indiana Lupin?
LuvyaBebe05 over 7 years ago
OMC! The torch is his tie and the wooden spoon.
Charliegirl Premium Member over 7 years ago
Lupin, you’d better hope you haven’t found the Temple of Doom!
butler2jc over 7 years ago
all the details georgia puts in! and her name & date on a box in the cabinet, so cool!
butler2jc over 7 years ago
love this!
debra4life over 7 years ago
Looks more like Lupin’s stuck in the pantry.
Ruth Brown over 7 years ago
Beautiful lighting.
Robin Harwood over 7 years ago
Looks as though they eat a lot of pasta and pineapple. And some stuff with Georgia’s name on it.
Nuliajuk over 7 years ago
He’ll find the crockpot at the end of the rainbow.
!!ǝlɐ⅁ over 7 years ago
But his finding the crock-pot might well be the feline equivalent to the discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb. None of that namby-pamby movie stuff. :-)
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 7 years ago
“…whats in the box?”
David Jones Premium Member over 7 years ago
“The farther in you go, the bigger it gets.” Lupin’s secret to discovery.
diskus Premium Member over 7 years ago
Car with a lit torch, that cant be good
Brein43 over 7 years ago
Ok, problem numero uno: WHO gave Lupin access to fire ? Who thought that wouldn’t turn out well ?
Brein43 over 7 years ago
Make that would turn out well?
Wichita1.0 over 7 years ago
A box of Georgia Dunn? Our supermarket always seems to be out of stock!
mbourg63 Premium Member over 7 years ago
We had some kittens once that did this. Opened the tea towel drawer to find them asleep in it.
Gloria Fleming over 7 years ago
Question: What type of food do you think is in that Georgia Dunn box??
SallyLin over 7 years ago
What an adventure! This is so exciting!
mistercatworks over 7 years ago
It’s not exactly Narnia but a new cupboard is always an adventure for cats.
Biskits over 7 years ago
Wait until Lupin finds the kibble!
ctlum over 7 years ago
Now I understand why The Man mistakenly opens a can of pineapple instead of a can of kitty food; they have too many cans of pineapple in there!
Seed_drill over 7 years ago
Our big bully cat is so terrified of thunder he runs for the cabinets at the first rumble.
jimmjonzz Premium Member over 7 years ago
OK. We see pasta, pineapple, tomatoes, crackers. There are lots of Hawaiian inspired pasta dishes that use the first three ingredients, usually with ham… which the boys would love. And we’ve already seen that Puck, at least, loves pineapple while pretending to think it’s disgusting. I’m imagining the Hawaiian style pasta recipes in a baking dish, topped with a little cheese and the cracker crumbs… as BCN Casserole Supreme. And, yes, I’m one of those what-can-I-make-with-the-random-items-at-hand cooks. I love putting ponzu in almost anything. Ditto vegemite. Maybe I’ll experiment with this set of ingredients. But I’d have to make a trip to the grocery store. No crackers on hand.
clintchap 12 days ago
An Indiana Jones/Chronicles of Narnia crossover.