Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for September 30, 2017

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    stairsteppublishing  over 7 years ago

    Yes, why is Lupin wet and where is Elvis? Does not knocking over more lamps win him the race?

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    Robin Harwood  over 7 years ago

    Puck! Such language!

    And it looks to me that it was Puck who knocked over the lamp, so Lupin should be disqualified as well as wet.

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  3. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  over 7 years ago

    Love Tommy holding up the ā€œscoreboard.ā€

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    ctlum  over 7 years ago

    I agree with Tommy! 10.0!

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  5. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 7 years ago

    It would be easy to pick a favorite, but then a different cat does something cute.

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    ctlum  over 7 years ago

    Sorry Iā€™m disrupting the comments, but on a different note: Georgia has posted the story and an Instagram of the real life Beatrix on her Twitter account! (if you donā€™t know, you donā€™t need to have your own Twitter account; you can just log on But be prepared with tissues, itā€™s a heartbreaking storyā€¦ā€¦..

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    Sionyx  over 7 years ago

    We used to have a kitty who often begged the question ā€œā€¦Why is Dell wet?ā€ The ā€œthis timeā€ usually went unsaid. Miss my little troublemaker.

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  8. Trouble and mischief together
    Lady Bri  over 7 years ago

    So, for whom is the 10.0 score for?? Lupin or Elvis? Lupin was certainly the fastest and knocked over the last lamp, but Elvis knocked over the most lamps, so . . . where does that leave us?

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    Zev   over 7 years ago

    Thanks for a much-needed smile, Georgia. Yesterday, I lost my 15 yr. old Sofia to lymphoma. What joy our pets give us, no matter how much collateral lamp damage! RIP, my darling.

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    KenseidenXL  over 7 years ago

    You can have nice things, OR you can have a cat.

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  11. Trespassers will..
    Trespassers W  over 7 years ago

    ā€œMother of Cat!ā€ Is this the first time in the newspaper strips (as opposed to the web strip) that we have had a reference to Cat?

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    shaunnmunn  over 7 years ago

    Check out the Aug. 26, 2014 strip for a complete recap. Elvis clearly hurt his performance by going for altitude & poofing when offered water. Lupin maintained his edge by staying lower. When Lupin was doused with Elvisā€™s water, he also got an aerodynamic boost by slicking his fur down, reducing drag. Elvisā€™s insistence on altitudewas also impaired due to the vortices from Lupin, adding to the drag coefficient. Lupin won. The trigonometry proves it!

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    Biskits  over 7 years ago

    Lupin won! Heā€™s holding up both arms in victory and smiling. Lupin obviously hit the lamp because Tommy awarded a 10.0. Most telling of all, Elvis has flattened his ears back.

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  14. Reading cat
    morningglory73 Premium Member over 7 years ago


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    Brein43  over 7 years ago

    Puck should have known better than to stand next to the last remaining lamp. Might as well stand next to the finish line at the Kentucky Derby.

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    Brein43  over 7 years ago

    Georgia, the hits keep coming. I have not said it in a while, so will say it now: Thank you, thank you, thank you, for hanging in there in the face of adversity. You have created this amazing little world out of your brain and hands, and drawn a group of universally kind people to it. We have never met, and likely never will, but you inject some joy into my life every single day. You should be extremely proud, and I guarantee your two little ones will cherish these.

    Speaking of cherishing things, one of my favorite strips involved a certain toddler, a cat, and a level 4 hazmat suit.
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  17. Ruke toe
    miscreant  over 7 years ago

    KK my 7yo calico comes to me wet, (just her head) and it reminds me that I need to fix the leaky tub faucet. Of course sheā€™s all lovable and wants to cuddle. Meaning I am the drying towel for her head. Now that I think of it, thatā€™s probably why she keepā€™s getting ear infections. Guess itā€™s time to get out the plumbing tools.

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  18. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 7 years ago

    Phew! At least Lampy is safe sand soundā€¦

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  19. Beatrix
    Hedgehog  over 7 years ago

    As they used to say in the olden days: ā€œ10.0 from the East German judgeā€

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    DennyWheeler  over 7 years ago

    Aside from maybe the first newspaper reference to ā€˜Catā€™ā€”is this the first appearance of a poofy Puck-tail?

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    KL  over 7 years ago

    This strip is SO FUNNY! Today was another genuine LOL, and in two places! Panel 2 and Panel 3.

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    shaunnmunn  over 7 years ago

    Georgia, if you ever do a book-signing in northern Indiana, please let us know! Pet-tee please?

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    whisplicka  over 7 years ago

    Michigan is a neighbor of Indiana,,,just a day trip for me. Count me for a book signing.

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    kimodb Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Thank you for my laugh for the day!

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    leopardglily  over 2 years ago

    This is one of my favorite strips of BCN.

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