Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for July 01, 2018

  1. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  over 6 years ago

    OK, I’m a little lost here. What is a cozy kitchen comfort mat? Is that like a cushion to make it easier for new mom’s to sit comfortably? I’m with Elvis on the so called memory foam. I ordered a memory foam mattress topper about a year ago, and it was so hot and claustrophobic I thought I was going to melt before I pried myself out of it.

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    Rosette  over 6 years ago

    So much to love here! Especially Elvis’s “tail tap” in panel 5!

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  3. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  over 6 years ago

    Dang! I know there shouldn’t be an apostrophe in moms. I want an edit button!

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  4. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  over 6 years ago

    Lupin could really disappear on that thing!

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    Rosette  over 6 years ago

    Silly woman, everything is a cat bed!

    Just wanted to let my fellow Americans know that I heard the first fireworks tonight. Pets are also lost in the days leading up to the Fourth of July, so be sure to keep a close eye on your furbabies. Also, look out for runaway pets belonging to others, and lend a helping hand. :)

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    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    Quick Elvis! Save Puck!!

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    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    Lupin, I share your opinion on memory foam. I just recently had to buy a new mattress and tried lying on one at the store. 2 minutes was all it took >> nope.

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    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    It’s trying to turn Puck into a s’more. Well, he does look like dark chocolate. And his pants could be mistaken for a graham cracker.

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  9. Jungletaitei
    Jungle Empress  over 6 years ago

    I love how Puck just immediately goes POOF, Elvis looks horrifying, and then he valiantly tries to save his fellow reporter. What a trooper!

    Marshmallow’s revenge sounds scary. D:

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  10. Jungletaitei
    Jungle Empress  over 6 years ago

    …I second Sue Ellen’s demand for an edit button. Elvis looks horrifiED, not horrifyING. Bah.

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  11. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  over 6 years ago

    I love it when Burt finds lost footage. It’s fun seeing new edits, but it’s even more fun seeing whole new stuff!

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    poppet bear  over 6 years ago

    Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians – though it is not quite midnight on the west coast :)

    Honestly Woman, haven’t you learned yet that all things new are automatically claimed as cat beds. Sometimes I don’t even get purchases out of the shopping bag and the boys have claimed them as theirs. I actually have a small dresser that I use for storing gifts (I like to buy things for people -and cats – as I find them throughout the year) to keep them from becoming cat possessions :)

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  13. Laundry
    Sue Ellen  over 6 years ago

    I hate July 1 because it marks the anniversary of my mom’s passing. But I turned the page on my BCN calendar and July got a smile out of me!BBBrrrrrrrzzzzzzzzzzzz…

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    Queen of America Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Typical kitties; they think everything is for them.

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    Robin Harwood  over 6 years ago

    A bed without consequences? It will destroy our moral fibre.

    As well as eating Puck.

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    Sionyx  over 6 years ago

    I am currently on a bed with a memory foam topper, and it is soooo comfy. Memory foam pillows, though, tend to be too firm for me. As to the heat, I’ve never had a problem with it, maybe because I use a mattress pad? And my mother and I both love our memory foam standing mats, they do help when standing in one place.

    I, too, read this and had the initial thought that it was a cushion for the new mom. I wonder how effective memory foam would be for the purpose?

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  17. Img 20171006 134513
    skykey  over 6 years ago

    Happy Saturday night, good people. I’d like- with your blessing- to drop a little something in here for you Noting major- an amuse bouche, if you will. Something I started a few weeks ago based on some comments I was a part of. I’m not a professional (at ANYTHING)— this is just for fun. There could be more, depending on the reaction. Or it could disappear. So, having said that…

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  18. Img 20171006 134513
    skykey  over 6 years ago

    Megan missed Toby. It seemed like another lifetime that she knew him; in fact, it may well have been. Lifetimes come and go. Still, she wished she could reach out to him, ask him if he was living up to his promise to her. She knew the trouble he got into after that professor taught him how to speak People. But it wasn’t rally his fault. Toby had told her it wasn’t understanding them that was so hard to deal with, it was resisting repeating what he’d heard.

    So this would be Saturday night, huh? Worrying about a Tom you knew eons ago?. Shake it off, girl. Got your paperwork done, there’s nothing on the horizon- let’s get out for a bit . That little joint on the corner’d be nice (she sometimes liked to have a drink but did not really like crowds. That’s why she frequented ’The Purrloined Litter" they always had at least one of their big screens on her favorite informational network, “Breaking Cat News”.

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  19. Milo face cropped
    Olive O'Sudden  over 6 years ago

    (There’s just one thing about this that pings my incredulity: A kitchen floor mat in bright white. I’ve seen ones with white as part of a pattern or light grey or light taupe, but never ones entirely marshmallow-white.)

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  20. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  over 6 years ago

    Puck would be better served by going old-school: a corrugated cardboard tray like the kind cases of canned soda come in.

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  21. Coleandsammy 019 square
    arolarson Premium Member over 6 years ago

    No one does cat expressions better than Georgia….just look at the range of emotion and reaction. Lupin’s snerk face, Puck’s despair, Elvis’ horror!

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    CatFrogMagee  over 6 years ago

    this joke might be a little old, but here we go: in america, you toast marshmallows. In Soviet Russia, marshmallows roast you! (dun dun duun!)

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    Kim Metzger Premium Member over 6 years ago

    My boys’ favorite bed these days is a cardboard box stuffed with newspapers. Ecstasy.

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    cat19632001  over 6 years ago

    I ♥ Lupin sticking his tongue out.

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    ElliottB.C.Rennie  over 6 years ago

    Help needed from fans with photographic memory: I’m looking for a strip with a full body shot of Elvis in Poof mode. I’m designing my next tattoo, and want all three reporters. I have some excellent clips of Lupin and Puck, but can’t seem to find poofy Elvis in a full length.

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    grocks  over 6 years ago

    Oh the outrage – a bed without consequences!

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    Lily.spokescat  over 6 years ago

    Great idea!

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  28. 2vx3att
    lightoftriumph  over 6 years ago

    Well… I guess this is a good time to talk about my own cats. I have two, Creamsicle and Holli. Both boys.

    Holli is the one who likes me. He likes to sit on my hip while I’m watching videos in bed, then sprawl out across me to make sure it is known that he owns all the human. You can pick him up, hug him, and kiss him on the head and he will be chill about it.

    Creamsicle is not chill about anything. He gets very spiky when people touch him. He will still get snuggles, but only when he is in control. He seems to get along best with my brother, who is the most relaxed person in the house.

    Unfortunately, the two do not get along, and have had some nasty fights. Holli has a notch in his ear from one of them. They mostly stay out of each other’s way, now that they are older.

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    Keep on keepin' on  over 6 years ago

    Hello Mega Orb! On a related topic (sorta), I was wondering if have any of you have tried that “Purple” mattress? Or does anyone KNOW anyone who has actually tried one? The ads are SO entertaining, which actually makes me kinda suspicious. Between that, and being unable to physically touch one, I’m inclined to not try it. I DO, however, have back (and hip and migraine etc) problems, and I DO actually need a new mattress, and the concept looks SO comfy! I posted this question as a reply, but am also posting here for more coverage.

    Thanks all!!-KOKO

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    wakan14  over 6 years ago

    I would love to get a shirt with panel 5 on it!

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  31. Californiaraisinicon1
    bluegirl285  over 6 years ago

    We used to have a memory foam kitchen mat under our sink. My cat loved to sleep on it, especially during wintertime, when the warm air came up from under the sink.

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  32. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 6 years ago

    For cats, everything’s a cat bed.

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  33. Ruke toe
    miscreant  over 6 years ago

    Now we know this can’t be real. When has a cat EVER complained that something was too hot. As soon as get out my heating pad I never get to use it. My 4 cats are fighting over it and the higher the temp the more they fight. I even had to buy the biggest one I could find so more than one could use it at once. Now I just leave it flat on the bed for them. During the summer the hotter it is the more they go out on the screened porch for the heat. I keep it 74 in the house but they seem to like it above 90. Nope I can’t understand why Puck is complaining about it being too hot.

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    heartprettykitty  over 6 years ago

    happy July, cat people! I love Pucky’s tail in the 2nd to last panel and Elvis’s reaction. Is that quicksand-foam? Quickfoam?

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  35. Saxon
    Nuliajuk  over 6 years ago

    My first impression of memory foam was that it feels exactly like bread dough. If you’ve ever made bread, you know what I mean.

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    skykey  over 6 years ago

    I have, and I do… ;-)

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    Erin Pierce  over 6 years ago

    “This is a bed without consequences!!” I now know what I’m embroidering on my next pillow

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    kittylover.truitt  over 6 years ago

    This is adorable and I love it ! :)

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    Hero Plays  almost 6 years ago


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    leopardglily  almost 2 years ago

    The cats have it right. I hate memory foam.

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