Like Buckles, my Finnegan has a real thing for soft leather. He won’t go after anything as large as a handbag, but just loves leather wallets. Even after over 7 years with the dog, my son can’t remember to keep his wallet out of reach, so he finally gave up and instead now uses one made of some kind of a stiff burlap type fabric with a Velcro closure. Finnegan will still steal it from Evan, but he doesn’t try to chew it – - just walks around with it in his mouth until someone notices.
Like Buckles, my Finnegan has a real thing for soft leather. He won’t go after anything as large as a handbag, but just loves leather wallets. Even after over 7 years with the dog, my son can’t remember to keep his wallet out of reach, so he finally gave up and instead now uses one made of some kind of a stiff burlap type fabric with a Velcro closure. Finnegan will still steal it from Evan, but he doesn’t try to chew it – - just walks around with it in his mouth until someone notices.