Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for March 08, 2015
Spiff: "The courageous spaceman Spiff, interplanetary explorer extraordinaire, lands on yet another bizarre planet!" Spiff: "Setting his death ray blaster on "frappe," our hero set off in search of alien weirdness!" Spiff: "ZOUNDS! A mysterious mist materializes out of nowhere! The fearless Spiff can't see a thing!" Miss Wormwood: "..So we add two to four..." Calvin: "OUR HERO'S IN A TOTAL FOG!" Calvin: "The atmosphere here is a...a p-powerful! Spiff can't..keep his" Spiff: "Our hero suddenly comes to!"
Susie Derkins :D almost 10 years ago
So much for daydreaming…
BE THIS GUY almost 10 years ago
That is one scary principal’s office.
davidarsenian almost 10 years ago
Death Ray Blaster on Frappe? Ok, mine too.
The Life I Draw Upon almost 10 years ago
Given his vocabulary, and imagination for his age he is going to be great, maybe even a cartoonist.
orinoco womble almost 10 years ago
I just noticed the new title of the strip: Exploring Calvin and Hobbes. I guess I just never paid attention before. So I must be very much like Calvin himself. And we’re all a little Spaceman Spiff, these days.
Dobie Takahama almost 10 years ago
Miss Wormwood is breaking the 4th wall, is she going to teach that to the students?
rentier almost 10 years ago
What a cruel fate! I wouln’t like this and to be burned alive, too!!
bignatefan almost 10 years ago
It was artwork like this — rather, the pressure not to submit artwork like this — that no doubt caused Watterson’s dissatisfaction with the newspaper biz. The word "epic’ is an understatement.
Vonne Anton almost 10 years ago
Spaceman Spiff is my favorite Calvin flight of fancy.
Chris Kenworthy almost 10 years ago
I wonder if somebody has made a list of the settings on Spaceman Spiff’s blaster!
Chris Kenworthy almost 10 years ago
Hmm, the C&H wiki mentions “Shake-n’-Bake”, “Medium Well”, “Deep Fat-fry”, “Frappe” and “Liquefy”, but doesn’t claim to be definitive:
orinoco womble almost 10 years ago
Why, “Sorry, no!” You’re not sorry at all. LOL
t3st almost 10 years ago
the perfect cliffhanger
tomorrow we see how spaceman spiff will escape this situation :-)
westny77 almost 10 years ago
Hey teacher please get rid of that dress and go on a diet.Don’t you want to look like Doris Day?
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
Unless I am mistaken, Albert Einstein was reported to daydream during class when he was a youngster. Wait! Could it be? Is Calvin actually Einstein in his childhood years?.Naaaaa, likely not…
Neat '33 almost 10 years ago
Hmmm; wonder if they could re-make a movie of Walter Mitty with Calvin as the hero ???
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
Nun’Ya Bidness said, about 12 hours ago@frank coronaIay = ‘I’ in pig Latin.Oday should be ‘do’.So it means “I do”..Bsolutelyaay orrectcay!
the calvinosaurus that calvin wanted to discover almost 10 years ago
oh boy, a skeleton. the teacher is really evil
Pthhht! almost 10 years ago
Good practice, Calvin. You can use that one when you grow up and have to set in bored meetings.
Number Three almost 10 years ago
Poor Calvin!
Imagination can be a terrible thing sometimes.
jim_pem almost 10 years ago
I think they just missed Calvin’s learning style.
Comic Man X over 5 years ago
Calvin probably went to the principal’s office…