Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for June 13, 2016

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 8 years ago

    Now the trickier part, getting down.

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    the calvinosaurus that calvin wanted to discover  over 8 years ago

    No injuries, high view, lucky.

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  3. Jump
    bigcatbusiness  over 8 years ago

    Now they know how a cat feels. If I get stuck on a tree, I lay head down grabbing a branch with my legs and waving my arms for help, until the blood runs down my head.

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    rentier  over 8 years ago

    The crash doesn’t matter, main thing – together!!

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    Chad Cheetah  over 8 years ago

    How high was the hill they were able to get stuck in the tree?

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    DrWhiskers  over 8 years ago

    Calvin! I command you release your feline captive! Do so, and I shall let you live as my personal sculptor due to you snowman creations. Ignore me at your own peril!!! >:(

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    cubswin2016  over 8 years ago

    Calvin must have a hard head.

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    Puddleglum2  over 8 years ago

    It almost looks as if Hobbes’ tail is “wagon”.

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    maxpower44  over 8 years ago

    The little red wagon industry is sadly lacking making seat belts mandatory

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    dflak  over 8 years ago

    When my son was 5, he climbed about 30 feet up a pine tree. My wife sent me to retrieve him. The problem was he weighed about 50 lbs. I weighed about 200. I couldn’t get all the way up because the branches would not support my weight. I managed to talk him down to my level and he rode my shoulders the rest of the way.

    When we asked him why he climbed the tree, his response was “I wanted to see what the birds see.”

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    dflak  over 8 years ago

    Well, that’s what happens when you are smuggling contraband noodles across state lines.

    And now you know the rest of the story.

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    Number Three  over 8 years ago

    Is Hobbes referencing “I Can See For Miles” by The Who?

    He probably isn’t of course but that’s what I don’t mind thinking!


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  13. Pastor s new candle
    rickray777  over 8 years ago

    Hey, this gives yet another "fantastic” excuse for not turning in your homework (if this were the school year, of course!):“Homework? Couldn’t do it. Little red wagon accident. Hobbes and I got stuck up in a tree! But it IS the truth.”Ms. Wormwood: “Hm, stuck up in a tree, huh? My, but they do get original, don’t they?!”

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    Yosemate Sam  over 8 years ago

    When I was a farm boy, I climbed every tree, within sight, no matter how high, it was, and I ‘NEVER’ once, fell out of one of those tree’s, just liked to climb those Tree’s.

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  15. Pastor s new candle
    rickray777  over 8 years ago

    Calvin, in modern-day times. Calvin’s Dad in his easy chair, reading a good book
“Bad news, ‘Dad’, on your poll ratings lately.”“Is that so?”“Hey. It’s an Election Year, 2016.”“So?”“So, if you want to stay in office, you’d better get your campaign in gear.”“How?”“Easy, make yourself more likable. What we need is a DVD Recorder, a home computer outfit (complete with Internet access, of course!), and Smart Phones for each of us (like Susie Derkins just got, from her Mom and Dad!). Get Cable TV (or, something like it!), increase my TV privileges, I want a later bedtime (as in, midnight or so), gimme a bigger allowance (say, at least $100 a week), and you’re all set. Now, your ratings may be down in the subbasement at the moment; but you just follow my suggestions, and I guarantee you: they’ll shoot right through the roof, in no time flat!"“Oh. Well. Thanks for sharing that.”“You’re gonna be one lonely guy in the Assisted Care Facility!”“Huh. Maybe there I’ll be able to finish my book.”“Well! See if I ever offer you a little friendly counsel again!”“Go to bed, Calvin.”

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  16. Susie2
    Susie Derkins :D  over 8 years ago

    I hope you’re CRASHING a party up there.

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    Godfrey's sugar daddy 69  over 8 years ago

    Jeez he could die

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    neverenoughgold  over 8 years ago

    I’ve been pretty high but never in a tree

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    rgcviper  over 8 years ago

    @LeadingEdgeFun comics. Thanks for sharing.

    @rickrayHa! That just sounds so Calvin 

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  20. Skullblink
    Salamurai  over 8 years ago

    Once had neighbor kids beg me to help get a cat out of a tree. I called the fire department (based on a lifetime of seeing it on TV & in cartoons). They said, we don’t waste our time on that, and the cat will come down on its own.

    Meanwhile, the cat came down on its own.

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    bdcharrelson  over 8 years ago

    If you use internet explorer or foxfire you must be the only one.

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