I know people who have gift closets, but it would never work for me. I think they are for people who attend parties and need hostess gifts or have more than 2 kids. I’d rather choose my friends’ gifts, and I already have kids gifts hidden in my closets waiting for a birthday to give them. Too much stuff to have in a closet waiting for the right time to give it as a gift…Good morning, Aaron and Susan! I’m sure Aaron will be rolling his eyes at this one, especially over the lack of keyboard in panel 3.Hello to gmforde, Nancy, rgcviper, Billy, GsMom (welcome back!), KFG and all the other Cathy nuts that roll around here today! This is the last week before Christmas so be prepared for extra nuttiness!!
I didn’t roll my eyes, lightenup. I’m sitting here pouting because she didn’t say “and one for my favorite paramedic / firefighter / all-around good guy”. I’m sure I’ll get over it. But not today.
Good morning Susan when you arrive. KFG yeah I saw the Ziggy comic with the fireman. ZiggyWorld is as strange as Cathy’s BizzaroWorld. Afternoon/evening Mom!.
Hello fellow Cathyites. I’ve never heard of a gift closet, but if anyone had one, it would have to be Cathy’s mom. Also notice that a lot of cartoonists use an Apple computer for their comics. I like Jason Fox’s iFruit the best.
AaronClaus and Billy Kringle: (from Sat., 12/17). You might find this bit of information interesting.
Dog Age Calculator in Human Years
lightenup: Yes, we had a very nice visit with my mother yesterday; thanks for asking. I’m sorry you’re so stressed out over irrational neighbors — and at this time of year too! I wonder when “Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward Men” went down the tubes the way it has? People are just so rude these days. Thank goodness for all the funny, sweet, kind people who hang out HERE! I can’t imagine what it must be like sharing a property line with a difficult-to-get-along-with neighbor. Hell on Earth, I guess. We’ve lived in the same house for 22 years and have been so blessed when it comes to our wonderful next-door neighbors. I hope things improve for you soon.
Good afternoon to the 3 of you, K.F.G., Susan, Nancy, rgcviper, nannygram, gmforde, MaiTai (Maia) and all the rest of the Cathy fanatics joining us here today. As always, good to “see” you all!
My mom is a cool mom. However, she doesn’t have a gift closet. If she did, would that make Mom cooler? Or would it make her a nut job? I have to wonder. She loves Aaron. Hmmm. Go figure.
Thanks for the link GsMom!. They grow up so fast don’t they. I said Little Muttley Beagle was like a bullet last week. No kidding, he can beat me to the kitchen by minutes. And I’m only 36. 0 to 70 in a blink.
Hello friends and fans of Cathy. We’re hoping for snow for Christmas but it doesn’t look promising. Aaron and I are both New Englanders, so no snow at Christmas is a huge disappointment.
I confess — well, it’s not a gift closet — but I do have a box where I store gifts that I pick up throughout the year for my friends. I have a friend I exchange “shoe” gifts with, and some of my friends are dancers so when I see an appropo gift, I buy it and store it for Christmas or their birthday. Works for me. But then I suppose I’m almost as old as Cathy’s mom — I’ll be 64 tomorrow (and my ever patient hubby says he’ll still need and feed me).
Your hubby sounds sweet, lindz.coop! :-) I think your box is great. If you know what you want to get someone and see it during the year, definitely store it. I wish I could do that, but it just doesn’t work for the people I buy gifts for.
Welcome back, GsMom! :-) You are so right about my situation (and thanks for saying exactly how I’m feeling). It is something that I certainly don’t want to be going through, especially not now, and I hope it ends up ok. I’ve decided that I’m going to say something at our next meeting, so now I just need to refine what that will be. Not at all what I want to be doing this holiday season… (hugs for being so sweet and understanding!)
Actually, although the idea is kind of off, it’s not a bad one at all, Mom. Not that I’ll borrow it myself, of course ….Hello to lightenup, G-mom, and all the other Cathy-aholics browsing today/tonight..And Happy early Birthday, lindz.coop!
Well I don’t have a ‘gift closet’ I do have a small rubber maid tote that’s full of stuff…things like bath sets, candles, jewellery (sp?)…stuff like that…..and if I’m invited to a friends’ b-day I just take something out, toss it in a gift bag and I’m set. Good evening all ye Cathy-nuts…..Aaron, Billy, Gretch’s Ma, Susan, Lightenup, rgcviper, gmforde also lindz.coop..Happy Birthday :D
lightenup Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I know people who have gift closets, but it would never work for me. I think they are for people who attend parties and need hostess gifts or have more than 2 kids. I’d rather choose my friends’ gifts, and I already have kids gifts hidden in my closets waiting for a birthday to give them. Too much stuff to have in a closet waiting for the right time to give it as a gift…Good morning, Aaron and Susan! I’m sure Aaron will be rolling his eyes at this one, especially over the lack of keyboard in panel 3.Hello to gmforde, Nancy, rgcviper, Billy, GsMom (welcome back!), KFG and all the other Cathy nuts that roll around here today! This is the last week before Christmas so be prepared for extra nuttiness!!
NE1956 almost 13 years ago
I didn’t roll my eyes, lightenup. I’m sitting here pouting because she didn’t say “and one for my favorite paramedic / firefighter / all-around good guy”. I’m sure I’ll get over it. But not today.
Good morning Susan when you arrive. KFG yeah I saw the Ziggy comic with the fireman. ZiggyWorld is as strange as Cathy’s BizzaroWorld. Afternoon/evening Mom!.
Hello fellow Cathyites. I’ve never heard of a gift closet, but if anyone had one, it would have to be Cathy’s mom. Also notice that a lot of cartoonists use an Apple computer for their comics. I like Jason Fox’s iFruit the best.
Gretchen's Mom almost 13 years ago
Happy Monday-before-Christmas everyone. I’m back! ;-)
AaronClaus and Billy Kringle: (from Sat., 12/17). You might find this bit of information interesting.
Dog Age Calculator in Human Years
lightenup: Yes, we had a very nice visit with my mother yesterday; thanks for asking. I’m sorry you’re so stressed out over irrational neighbors — and at this time of year too! I wonder when “Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward Men” went down the tubes the way it has? People are just so rude these days. Thank goodness for all the funny, sweet, kind people who hang out HERE! I can’t imagine what it must be like sharing a property line with a difficult-to-get-along-with neighbor. Hell on Earth, I guess. We’ve lived in the same house for 22 years and have been so blessed when it comes to our wonderful next-door neighbors. I hope things improve for you soon.
Good afternoon to the 3 of you, K.F.G., Susan, Nancy, rgcviper, nannygram, gmforde, MaiTai (Maia) and all the rest of the Cathy fanatics joining us here today. As always, good to “see” you all!
meika86 almost 13 years ago
That is so my mom!!!
Hi everybody!!!
BillyJL almost 13 years ago
My mom is a cool mom. However, she doesn’t have a gift closet. If she did, would that make Mom cooler? Or would it make her a nut job? I have to wonder. She loves Aaron. Hmmm. Go figure.
Thanks for the link GsMom!. They grow up so fast don’t they. I said Little Muttley Beagle was like a bullet last week. No kidding, he can beat me to the kitchen by minutes. And I’m only 36. 0 to 70 in a blink.
Hello friends and fans of Cathy. We’re hoping for snow for Christmas but it doesn’t look promising. Aaron and I are both New Englanders, so no snow at Christmas is a huge disappointment.
Michelle Morris almost 13 years ago
Now that’s one stop shopping!
lindz.coop Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Hi Cathyites!!
I confess — well, it’s not a gift closet — but I do have a box where I store gifts that I pick up throughout the year for my friends. I have a friend I exchange “shoe” gifts with, and some of my friends are dancers so when I see an appropo gift, I buy it and store it for Christmas or their birthday. Works for me. But then I suppose I’m almost as old as Cathy’s mom — I’ll be 64 tomorrow (and my ever patient hubby says he’ll still need and feed me).
lightenup Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Your hubby sounds sweet, lindz.coop! :-) I think your box is great. If you know what you want to get someone and see it during the year, definitely store it. I wish I could do that, but it just doesn’t work for the people I buy gifts for.
Welcome back, GsMom! :-) You are so right about my situation (and thanks for saying exactly how I’m feeling). It is something that I certainly don’t want to be going through, especially not now, and I hope it ends up ok. I’ve decided that I’m going to say something at our next meeting, so now I just need to refine what that will be. Not at all what I want to be doing this holiday season… (hugs for being so sweet and understanding!)
rgcviper almost 13 years ago
Actually, although the idea is kind of off, it’s not a bad one at all, Mom. Not that I’ll borrow it myself, of course ….Hello to lightenup, G-mom, and all the other Cathy-aholics browsing today/tonight..And Happy early Birthday, lindz.coop!
Koolfunkygrrl almost 13 years ago
Well I don’t have a ‘gift closet’ I do have a small rubber maid tote that’s full of stuff…things like bath sets, candles, jewellery (sp?)…stuff like that…..and if I’m invited to a friends’ b-day I just take something out, toss it in a gift bag and I’m set. Good evening all ye Cathy-nuts…..Aaron, Billy, Gretch’s Ma, Susan, Lightenup, rgcviper, gmforde also lindz.coop..Happy Birthday :D
Millilong almost 13 years ago
Hahaha! My mother has generic gifts, but they’re not organized in a closet. It takes forever to find them.