Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for October 02, 2012
verne agrees to help RJ get his soul back.... verne: First thing we do is summon your demon, herb. RJ: he gets tuesdays and saturdays off. verne: Demons don't get days off. they're demons. it's a 24/7 deal. RJ: Not since they organized. verne: Demons can go on strike? RJ: Remember the replacement scab demons? The ones romney sold his sold to be president? Verne: Right! They screwed up. they couldn't get his signature in blood because they couldn't find a vein. RJ: you just can't send amateurs to do a professional's job.
firedome over 12 years ago
i sense direct competition with prickly city here…
Manhunter808 over 12 years ago
I sense an otherwise engaging, fun comic going left-wing, liberal political
Kilrwat Premium Member over 12 years ago
Better than selling its soul to scab-demons.
joesnyder1 over 12 years ago
sad…the sometimes funny comic turns political…time to drop this one
ghcater over 12 years ago
So now the stage is set for a looooong list of reply comments about zero having sold his soul long ago / has no soul / is the devil incarnate/antichrist, etc… Commence fire on the comment line -—- only fair however, as any objective observation would have to note that O’s rise to the Oval Office could not have possibly happened without SOME type of powerful influence… Satan? the DNC? Secret societies? Inquiring minds wish to know…
john condos over 12 years ago
really? a romney joke? sighhhh…
Digital Frog over 12 years ago
Sorry, this one crosses the line from light hearted fun poking to flagrant political posturing. Sad to see one of my fav comics go south in such a fashion.
jimeguess over 12 years ago
Well … I guess Lewis and Fry felt they had to get in the game, since everyone else is going political.
Of course, the libtards would be angry if he said “Obama” instead of “Romney”.
So, we go back to Blondie. She is never political. She just wants to keep her catering business and keep Dagwood out of trouble.
joekay4653 over 12 years ago
another one bites the dust… So sorry to see these cartoonist go off the deep end. Stick to the strip… fortunately this is still a free america and you can say anything you want, oops unless its against Obama of course
catzilla23 over 12 years ago
I’m so far to the right, I think of Rush Limbaugh as a liberal, that said: as long as you keep it funny, I’ll read it.
walruscarver2000 over 12 years ago
YES, God forbid that a cartoonist should dare to disagree with your political views
Thehag over 12 years ago
LOL!!! Couldn’t find a vein!!!! Oh man that’s funny!
mripple over 12 years ago
Oh my god! You all have a stick up your butt! It doesn’t matter who you like, it was funny. I guess you don’t read half the other comics that express their political opinion…oh wait, you read the ones that bash Obama. Hypocrites. As long as it is funny, I’ll read it.
William Taylor over 12 years ago
I really like this strip, but it is NO place for politics.
jbk1942 over 12 years ago
Cheap shot…and not even funny! If you HAVE to be political, at least try to use some wit……goodbye!
Druarc over 12 years ago
:) I though it was funny, but I thinking anything Romney does is funny.
porkerroy over 12 years ago
So, did O sell his soul to REAL demons?
He should win the next election then, right?
We’ll see.
Better to just keep politics out of this strip, though.
Animal politics? Already been(well) done with “POGO”!
mnd0829 over 12 years ago
Good one, Charles Smith
Strider Keninginne Premium Member over 12 years ago
If I wanted politics with my humor, I’d have ‘Doonesbury’ on my list, otherwise leave well enough alone.
HeidiTentee over 12 years ago
For a limited time, you too can take political advice from small cartoon animals. It will only cost you your brain. What’s that? You lost your brain? Just get on your Obamaphone and ask for an Obamabrain.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago
Actually all said and done, THAT’S WHAT THE EDITORIAL CARTOON SECTION IS FOR. Unless the cartoonists are considering going to the Editorial section?
Spade Jr. over 12 years ago
I totally agree with Dry – keep ALL politics out of strips like ‘Hedge. The strip is funny enough with its setup and story lines, and using political humor just brings out the wacko extremists on both ends of the political spectrum who will fill up the comments with rants that have nothing to do with the strip. You guys are excellent humorists in a great medium. Don’t screw it up.